We will never give up, because this is not about us, in our own place, in our own time, but about our brothers and sisters in all places, about our descendants 100 generations down the line. Fukushima nuclear disaster is unfolding in its own time; we will only begin to know the full scope and severity of it over time. Right now Japanese utilities are restarting nuclear stations above earthquake faults and their government is forcing evacuees back into heavily contaminated areas, areas which would be off-limits in any other country. The Pacific ocean slowly distributes Fukushima Daiichi's radiation to faraway places and fish become unsafe for human consumption, the air is being continuously poisoned, and there's no certain plan for decommissioning the three reactors. What the future holds we don't want to know; we want to know what to do now, to know our own strengths and how to apply them. We're not alone in our knowing and we go to the streets this 3.11 to find our companions in this effort, to share awareness, to find a way forward, protecting ourselves and our fellow humans, ending this out-of-control catastrophe, and preventing any more. Never again!
April 26 will be the 30th anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear explosion, a reminder for us of how far governments will go to cover up the disastrous health effects of a radiation event. Chernobyl bankrupted, and thereby destroyed, the Soviet Union, according to Gorbachev; and Fukushima is destroying Japan in much the same way, although in this case private enterprise gets rich in the process. In the same way that we can never forget the holocaust, or the unnecessary deaths of millions of people anywhere, we must never forget the twisted bodies of the Chernobyl children, or the human sacrifice of Liquidators demanded by the Soviet state, or the millions sick or dead from the fallout. While we can, let's help those now being sacrificed by Japan's government to life or death in the former "Restricted Zone."
If you know of an event that I haven't included here, please send me the details at fukushimafifthanniversary@hotmail.com Images, links, and contact person would be helpful. This year, event listings are in "shorthand", no agonized translations and only essential links. HTML problems will be fixed. Sad note: If you don't have a Facebook account, some event links might not work for you. Note: My posting events that promote "revitalization" of radiation-contaminated areas in Tohoku is in no way an endorsement of that program; I think the contaminated areas should be evacuated forever. That said, I'll post any and all events for 3.11 and leave judgement to others. And thank you Cavelieus for discovering the Djinn.
* * * * *
You can help Japanese to cope with this crisis by supporting these organizations
Citizens Radiation Monitoring Station
Iwaki Radiation Measuring Center, Tarachine
Komera's Forest (radiation-free seasonal camp for Fukushima kids)
Fukushima Kids Hawaii (same thing)
Okinawa Kumi No Sato (same)
More coming soon...
An early one:
MIT Japanese Tea Ceremony presents
3.11 Japan Memorial Charity 2016
Remembrance of Earthquake and Tsunami
Sunday, February 21, 2016
(R.S.V.P. by February 19) in 3 sessions
1) 10:00 am 2) 11:30 am 3) 1:00 pm
At Sanzashi-An" Tea House at Showa Boston Institute
420 Pond Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
FREE ADMISSION - Suggested donation: $20~
We'll serve Japanese authentic confections and 2 green teas (macha), Thick tea and Thin tea (if you can't drink Thick tea, substitution available). Each session is about 75 minutes.
All proceeds from this event will be donated to Japan Earthquake Relief Fund.
R.S.V.P. by Wednesday, February 19, 2016 by downloading the registration form here and following the instructions. Call Kyoko Wada, 781-860-0373 or reply to email for inquiries.
Children welcome, a babysitter will be available upon request.
Organized by Kyoko Wada, Urasenke School Tea Instructor http://web.mit.edu/chado/www/
Sponsored by MIT Women’s League and Spouses&Partners@MIT
You can help Japanese to cope with this crisis by supporting these organizations
Citizens Radiation Monitoring Station
Iwaki Radiation Measuring Center, Tarachine
Komera's Forest (radiation-free seasonal camp for Fukushima kids)
Fukushima Kids Hawaii (same thing)
Okinawa Kumi No Sato (same)
More coming soon...
An early one:
MIT Japanese Tea Ceremony presents
3.11 Japan Memorial Charity 2016
Remembrance of Earthquake and Tsunami
Sunday, February 21, 2016
(R.S.V.P. by February 19) in 3 sessions
1) 10:00 am 2) 11:30 am 3) 1:00 pm
At Sanzashi-An" Tea House at Showa Boston Institute
420 Pond Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
FREE ADMISSION - Suggested donation: $20~
We'll serve Japanese authentic confections and 2 green teas (macha), Thick tea and Thin tea (if you can't drink Thick tea, substitution available). Each session is about 75 minutes.
All proceeds from this event will be donated to Japan Earthquake Relief Fund.
R.S.V.P. by Wednesday, February 19, 2016 by downloading the registration form here and following the instructions. Call Kyoko Wada, 781-860-0373 or reply to email for inquiries.
Children welcome, a babysitter will be available upon request.
Organized by Kyoko Wada, Urasenke School Tea Instructor http://web.mit.edu/chado/www/
Sponsored by MIT Women’s League and Spouses&Partners@MIT
Thanks to all who helped to Unplug Nuclear Power
in 2015. This was our third year marking the anniversary of Fukushima nuclear disaster by boycotting grid supplied electricity, and it was our biggest year yet. We now aim to reach millions for 2016, the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima disaster. Together we can Unplug Nuclear Power!
On March 11, thousands of people around the Country and around the world will join together to teach the utilities a lesson--we don't need them, or nuclear power, to survive. By using as little grid-supplied power as possible that day, we not only cost the utilities money, we'll declare our independence from dirty, centralized, unsustainable energy technologies.
MARCH 11, 2016
2016: Five Years Fukushima
and 30 Years Chernobyl -
IUFF Global Film Screenings
(updates coming -Ed.) Against Forgetting: The International Uranium Film Festival (IUFF) is planning parallel screenings on all continents of movies and documentaries about Fukushima on March 11th and films about Chernobyl on April 26th, 2016. Screenings are already confirmed in Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro and Berlin (scroll down). The IUFF-Team invites cinemas, movie theatres and non-profits to join our global screening project in remembering Fukushima and Chernobyl. Contact: Info@uraniumfilmfestival.org
Foto shows the Yellow Oscar 2014 winning documentary FUKUSHAME by Alessandro Tesei.
Artists, read the 26th of April Appeal; here in English.Between the 11th of March and the 26th of April 2016, for seven weeks, let texts be staged, others simultaneously read in different locations, films be screened, photographs be exhibited, debates and seminars be organised in university amphitheatres, schools and libraries, town halls, industrial wastelands.Let an insurrection of artists, intellectuals and scientists convince citizens to prevent a future that is further contaminated by radioactivity. And let a thousand shows, books, pictures/paintings, ballets, concerts, report, balls, academic seminars, carnivals, poems, exhibitions and researches thrive ! 26th of April 2006, theater play in front of the Chernobyl power plant. Picture: Véronique Boutroux
As the five year anniversary draws near we here at Wiley, a global publisher of research across all the sciences, medicine and social sciences, have selected 123 research articles relating to or resulting from the Great East Japan Earthquake. These articles have been drawn from the approximately 1,600 journals published by Wiley, many on behalf of the 900 learned societies and associations with which we partner. Wiley hopes they will prove useful to researchers and the wider community by conveying some of the lessons learned from the disasters and their painful consequences as well as encouraging the development of new and further research. This selection of articles will be available for free public release until April 30th, 2016 through Wiley Online Library.
Fukushima: A Nuclear Story, narrated by Willem Dafoe, produced by Teatro Primo Studio - Film beyond and directed by Matteo Gagliardi, recounts Italian journalist Pio D'Emilia's (living in Japan during the nuclear crisis) efforts to find out the truth behind this tragedy.
United States – Al Jazeera America, March 6, 2016 h 10 – 19 http://america.aljazeera.com/watch/shows/al-jazeera-america-presents.html
Canada - CBC News Network, March 6 – March 12, 2016 h 22 http://www.cbc.ca/passionateeye/m/episodes/fukushima-a-nuclear-story
New Zealand – Rialto Channel 139, from March 10 to April 16, 2016: several reruns http://www.rialtochannel.co.nz/films/type/view/id/4230/fukushima-a-nuclear-story
Italy - Sky Cinema Cult / Sky TG24 (TG24 is FREE) March 11, 2016 h 21 http://cinema.sky.it/cinema/news/2016/02/26/fukushima-a-nuclear-story-presentazione.html *** Stay tuned for updates, and more broadcasts!
Italy - Sky Cinema Cult / Sky TG24 (TG24 is FREE) March 11, 2016 h 21 http://cinema.sky.it/cinema/news/2016/02/26/fukushima-a-nuclear-story-presentazione.html *** Stay tuned for updates, and more broadcasts!
Global Candle Chain - 3/11 Fifth Anniversary Remembrance by Beautiful Energy
We invite you join our Global Candle Chain on the coming March 11, light a candle and help us create a chain of light around the world in memory of the horrible events of that day and the many people who lost their lives. Remember the people who died that day, and the ongoing horrors of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Honor those who lost a loved one, and the people who can never return home. Hold the people of Tohoku in your heart with light, and loving thoughts. Stand united for a nuke-free world.
Start times on Global Candle Chain are from 3.11 14:46 -the time of the Tohoku earthquake.
グローバル・キャンドルチェーンの開始は、3月11日、東北地方太平洋沖地震発生時刻の14:46から同日深夜まで行う予定です。 各国の現地時間は下記リストからご確認ください。
All start times are for March 11 in your own timezone, except for the last three.
6.46pm New Zealand (Auckland)
4.46pm Australia (Sydney)
2.46pm Japan, South Korea
1.46pm China & Hong Kong, Mongolia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines
12.46pm Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
11.16am India, Sri Lanka
9.16am Iran
9.46am Russia (Moscow)
7.46am Finland, Estonia, Israel, Greece, Rwanda, South-Africa
6.46am Europe: Netherlands, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Austria, Switzerland
5.46am Europe (UK & Scotland)
2.46am Brazil, Argentina, Trinidad, Chile
1.46am USA (Washington, New York, EST)
1.46am Canada (Toronto)
00.46am Peru
10.46pm Canada (Vancouver) (March 10)
10.46pm USA: (Los Angeles) (March 10)
7.46pm Hawaii (March 10)
You can join from anywhere, in anyway that feels right to you. Anytime on your own March 11, light a candle. Share your candle with the world! Post a photo on the Event Page or email it to globalcandlechain@gmail.com. Post to twitter or Instagram with the hashtags: #311CandleChain #GlobalCandleChain #311GlobalCandleChain. Share this event page with your friends and in your communities! (Beautiful Energy is a non-violence movement born in the wake of 3/11/11, for a nuke-free and peaceful world.)
We invite you join our Global Candle Chain on the coming March 11, light a candle and help us create a chain of light around the world in memory of the horrible events of that day and the many people who lost their lives. Remember the people who died that day, and the ongoing horrors of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Honor those who lost a loved one, and the people who can never return home. Hold the people of Tohoku in your heart with light, and loving thoughts. Stand united for a nuke-free world.
Start times on Global Candle Chain are from 3.11 14:46 -the time of the Tohoku earthquake.
グローバル・キャンドルチェーンの開始は、3月11日、東北地方太平洋沖地震発生時刻の14:46から同日深夜まで行う予定です。 各国の現地時間は下記リストからご確認ください。
All start times are for March 11 in your own timezone, except for the last three.
6.46pm New Zealand (Auckland)
4.46pm Australia (Sydney)
2.46pm Japan, South Korea
1.46pm China & Hong Kong, Mongolia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines
12.46pm Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
11.16am India, Sri Lanka
9.16am Iran
9.46am Russia (Moscow)
7.46am Finland, Estonia, Israel, Greece, Rwanda, South-Africa
6.46am Europe: Netherlands, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Austria, Switzerland
5.46am Europe (UK & Scotland)
2.46am Brazil, Argentina, Trinidad, Chile
1.46am USA (Washington, New York, EST)
1.46am Canada (Toronto)
00.46am Peru
10.46pm Canada (Vancouver) (March 10)
10.46pm USA: (Los Angeles) (March 10)
7.46pm Hawaii (March 10)
You can join from anywhere, in anyway that feels right to you. Anytime on your own March 11, light a candle. Share your candle with the world! Post a photo on the Event Page or email it to globalcandlechain@gmail.com. Post to twitter or Instagram with the hashtags: #311CandleChain #GlobalCandleChain #311GlobalCandleChain. Share this event page with your friends and in your communities! (Beautiful Energy is a non-violence movement born in the wake of 3/11/11, for a nuke-free and peaceful world.)
5º Aniversario de Fukushima de Ecologistas en Accion
El accidente de Fukushima debería servir a la industria nuclear en el mundo, y en particular a la española, como muestra de lo que puede llegar a ocurrir si se sigue usando esta fuente de energía.
Lo más sensato es aprender la lección e ir prescindiendo paulatinamente de esta peligrosa y cara tecnología.
Existen ya suficientes fuentes de energía limpias que pueden ir sustituyendo paulatinamente a las sucias, peligrosas y caras centrales nucleares. Por ello, Ecologistas en Acción ha convocado diversas acciones en España para reclamar el cierre escalonado de las centrales de nuestro país. La potencia que aportan es perfectamente prescindible puesto que existen alternativas limpias y seguras.
Sumario ★Inicio, p1 ★2015, p2 ★2014, p3 ★2013, p4 ★2012, p5 ★2011, p6
Lo más sensato es aprender la lección e ir prescindiendo paulatinamente de esta peligrosa y cara tecnología.
Existen ya suficientes fuentes de energía limpias que pueden ir sustituyendo paulatinamente a las sucias, peligrosas y caras centrales nucleares. Por ello, Ecologistas en Acción ha convocado diversas acciones en España para reclamar el cierre escalonado de las centrales de nuestro país. La potencia que aportan es perfectamente prescindible puesto que existen alternativas limpias y seguras.
Sumario ★Inicio, p1 ★2015, p2 ★2014, p3 ★2013, p4 ★2012, p5 ★2011, p6
5 de marzo de 2016, por La Rioja
Recuerda Fukushima
45º aniversario de la puesta en marcha
de la central nuclear de Santa María de Garoña
Sábado 5 de marzo de 2016
De 12:00 a 14:00 horas, en la Plaza del Mercado de Logroño
*Mesa informativa sobre Garoña, boicot a Ibertrola-Endesa y en favor de Goiener, Som Energia...
*Mesa informativa sobre Garoña, boicot a Ibertrola-Endesa y en favor de Goiener, Som Energia...
*Organiza: Plataforma por un nuevo modelo energético de La Rioja, en la que participa Ecologistas en Acción.
Miércoles 2 de marzo de 2016, por La Rioja | Visitas: 988
45º aniversario de la puesta en marcha de la central nuclear de Santa María de Garoña
A las 20:00 horas en el Sala de Usos Multiples del Ayuntamiento de Logroño (Avda. de la Paz 11)
Ponente: Paco Castejón, Ecologistas en Acción
Organiza: Plataforma por un nuevo modelo energético de La Rioja
Recuerda Fukushima+5
Viernes 11 marzo 2016
I.E.S. El Piles
Paseo del Doctor Fleming 1265 (Gijón)
11:30 h. Plantación de un cerezo, plantar cordura
Plantación de un cerezo (Prunus avium). Cerezo silvestre, cerezo dulce o cerezo de monte es una especie nativo de Europa y el occidente asiático. Las sakura (flores de cerezo) son un elemento simbólico en la cultura popular de Japón. La imagen de los pétalos de estas flores caídos en masa al principio de la primavera simboliza la belleza de la naturaleza y el renacimiento de la vida como un nuevo comienzo. También en ese acto "plantaremos" el deseo de construir sensatez para que la fuerza de sus raíces impida que germinen las tropelías con que nos acosamos.
12:30 h. Plantación de un cerezoEn el 5º aniversario del accidente de la central nuclear de Fukushima (Japón), Ecologistas en Acción de Madrid añadirá un cerezo a los cuatro plantados en años anteriores. La plantación se realizará junto a la instalación fotovoltaica de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación [1]. 12:45 h. Charla: 5º aniversario de Fukushima: desénchufate de las nucleares
A cargo de: Francisco Castejón y Rodrigo Irurzún
En la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación [1].
En la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación [1].
11 de marzo de 2016, por Salamanca | Visitas: 34
Recuerda Fukushima+5
Viernes 11 marzo 2016
Calle Gutenberg (zona ajardinada), Salamanca
12:30 h. Plantación de un cerezo en recuerdo de FukushimaEl 11 de marzo de 2011 se registró un terremoto seguido por un tsunami que tuvieron efectos devastadores en los 6 reactores de la central nuclear de Fukushima-Daiichi y en otros 8 reactores de Japón.
El terremoto ya produjo graves daños en los reactores de Fukushima-Daiichi y el tsunami vino a completar la destrucción de equipos vitales para la seguridad, lo que desembocó en una masiva fuga de radioisótopos, sobre todo yodo y cesio.
Divendres 11 de març, 19 h.
a l’Ateneu Cultural "El Panical" (C/ Forn del Vidre, 4 - Alcoi)
Projecció del documental "Fukushima. Una història nuclear" i col·loqui
El dia del terratrèmol que va afectar la central nuclear de Fukushima, el periodista Pio d’Emilia era a Tòquio, però prompte es va traslladar cap a la zona de la central. Des d’aleshores no ha deixat d’investigar sobre el tema, i en aquest documental explica què va passar en aquells dies en què el caos es va apoderar del Japó.
a l’Ateneu Cultural "El Panical" (C/ Forn del Vidre, 4 - Alcoi)
Projecció del documental "Fukushima. Una història nuclear" i col·loqui
El dia del terratrèmol que va afectar la central nuclear de Fukushima, el periodista Pio d’Emilia era a Tòquio, però prompte es va traslladar cap a la zona de la central. Des d’aleshores no ha deixat d’investigar sobre el tema, i en aquest documental explica què va passar en aquells dies en què el caos es va apoderar del Japó.
Organitzen Ateneu Cultural "El Panical"
Colla Ecologista La Carrasca-Ecologistes en Acción
Colla Ecologista La Carrasca-Ecologistes en Acción
Tarragona: 5º aniversari de
l’accident nuclear de Fukushima
l’accident nuclear de Fukushima
Dia i hora: Dissabte 12 de març de 2016 a les 11,30h
Lloc: Platja de L’Almadrava del Municipi de L’Hospitalet-Vandellòs Mapa
La Xarxa per la Sobirania Energètica de Tarragona i L’Ebre amb el suport de diferents entitats ecologistes entre les quals estan Ecologistes en Acció i Greenpeace, farà un acte de reconeixement a totes les víctimes de l’energia nuclear, consistent amb la plantada de 100 creus a la Platja de L’Almadrava de L’Hospitalet de L’Infant davant de les dues C.N ubicades en aquest Municipi. Qui recordar aquesta tragèdia per tal de que en un futur no molt llunyà , l’energia nuclear formi part d’un mal somni de la Humanitat, us esperem.
Després de Fukushima, tanquem les nuclears!
Recuerda Fukushima+5 Sábado 12 marzo 2016
Castillo de Santiago (frente al Centro de Salud Barrio Alto)
Sanlúcar de Barrameda
11 a 12:30 h. Mesa informativa
11:30 h. Plantación simbólicaVentana nueva
El 11 de marzo de 2011 se registró un terremoto seguido por un tsunami que tuvieron efectos devastadores en los 6 reactores de la central nuclear de Fukushima-Daiichi y en otros 8 reactores de Japón. El terremoto ya produjo graves daños en los reactores de Fukushima-Daiichi y el tsunami vino a completar la destrucción de equipos vitales para la seguridad, lo que desembocó en una masiva fuga de radioisótopos, sobre todo yodo y cesio.
Green Cross is organizing a dialogue with international experts in Zurich on January 30 to shed light on the consequences of nuclear disasters in Japan and the former Soviet Union. This year marks the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima catastrophe, and the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl meltdown, still affecting the people and regional environments to this day.
Green Cross has been working on the ground at Fukushima ever since the disaster hit, and has over 20 years’ experience helping victims of Chernobyl in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The Zurich conference brings together experts and practitioners from Japan, Russia and Switzerland to share experiences and participate in an exchange about the state of atomic energy in the world today.
The event runs from 13h30 to 15h30 in the EPF’s Maximum auditorium (Ramistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich) and features former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, Swiss Professor Dr. Horst-Michael Prasser, Green Cross’ Dr. Stephen Robinson, Prof. Jonathan Samet from the University of Southern California, and Dr. Vladimir Kusnetsov of the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute. The panelists will each make a presentation, after which they will respond to audience questions. Simultaneous translation will be provided in
English, German, Japanese and Russian.
Click on the pins for details.
They're not all on the 11th, of course.
Sorry there's no English version of this page.
Meanwhile, read An Appeal From Japan (Eng.)
No More Nuclear Plant Restarts!
Protest In Front Of The PM’s Office
5 years since Fukushima, 4 years since the weekly Friday protests began March 11 protest and assembly for a nuclear free JapanDate: March 11, 2016 (Friday), 18:00-20:00
Place: (1) In front of the PM’s office (protest, including chants)
(2) In front of the main gate of parliament bldg. (speeches fr. youth and politicians)
Organizer: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes
Access: Nearest stations:
Kokkaigijidomae (Marunouchi, Chiyoda lines); Tameike Sanno (Namboku, Ginza lines)
Nagatacho (Yurakucho, Hanzomon, Namboku lines); Kasumigaseki (Marunouchi, Chiyoda,
Hibiya lines); Sakuradamon (Yurakucho line)Help us by tweeting the following message:
tweet:Mar 11 (Fri) Anti-nuke protest in front of PM office and parliament, Tokyo 6-8pm.
Join us! http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/en/160311-2/ pic.twitter.com/gckwMGgGlX
Details: Guest speakers in front of parliament (planned)From Fukushima:
Kazuyoshi Sato (Vice president, Fukushima Genpatsu Kokusodan / Facilitator, No Nukes Fukushima Network) ★ Kaori Suzuki (Executive Director, Iwaki Radiation Measuring Center, Tarachine / Vice Chairman, Okinawa Kumi No Sato)
Youth, prominent figures:
Chizuko Ueno (Honorary Professor, The University of Tokyo / Chief Director, Women’s Action Network) ★ Satoshi Kamata (Freelance journalist / Promoter, Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action) ★ Rika Kayama (Psychiatrist / Professor, Rikkyo University) ★
Naoto Kan (former PM) ★ Shigeaki Koga (Advocate, Forum 4 / Former Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry official) ★ Setsu Kobayashi (Honorary Professor, Keio University / Lawyer) ★ Takeshi Suwahara (Shimin Rengo / SEALDs) ★ Koichi Nakano (Professor, Sophia University / Promoter, Save Constitutional Democracy Japan) ★ Tsuyoshi Yoshiwara (Advisor, The Johnan Shinkin Bank)
[Possibility of others] *Politicians (currently in talks with people from all parties)
Final chant by the rapper ATS (titles omitted; order based on Japanese syllabary)*Plans are subject to change. *Information on speakers will be updated as required.
○Please make appropriate preparations for weather, esp. fluid for rehydration, and rain gear.
○First-time participants welcome.
○Approach staff if you feel unwell.
○Solicitation to participate in religious or other groups is strictly prohibited.
○Please don't distribute any printed material to participants not first approved by organizers.
○This action is a non-violent action. Please only participate upon understanding this policy.
○No drones allowed.
▼Help us with a donation for this event
This event is run solely on donations from private citizens; please help us continue our work.
○From Japan Post Bank (at Post Offices):
Account name: 首都圏反原発連合 (“Shutoken han-genpatsu rengo”) Account number: 00170-1-291074
○If you deposit from another bank, use the branch number 019 with 0291074 as the account number (Account type: Toza (当座)).
*Please put “0311 kanpa” in the reference section.
▼Help us with flier distribution. We will send you the fliers free of charge.
Toward A Nuclear Free Future
Nationwide Assembly,
March 26 (Saturday)
5 years since Fukushima, 30 years since Chernobyl
For Fukushima And Our Safety/
Place: Yoyogi Park (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Main stage : Yoyogi Park soccer grounds
Outdoor Music stage/Keyaki Namiki stage
★Booths open: 11am
★Outdoor music stage / Keyaki Namiki stage 11:30~13:00
★Main stage (Yoyogi Park soccer grounds) 12:30~14:30
★Protest march starts at 14:30 (three courses planned)
(Plans subject to change. Please check the website for details)
Harajuku Station (JR Line): 10 mins walk
Yoyogi Koen Station (Chiyoda Line, C02): 11 mins walk
Meiji Jingu-mae Station (Harajuku) (Chiyoda Line (C03) and Fukutoshin Line (F15)): 10 mins walk
Yoyogi Hachiman Station (Odakyu Line): 13 mins walk
Shibuya Station (JR, Ginza, Hanzomon, Fukutoshin, Tokyo Toyoko, Denentoshi, Inokashira Lines): 15 mins walk
Inquiries: Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action Executive Committee
c/o Gensuibaku Kinshi Nihon Kokumin Kaigi, Rengokaikan 1F,
3-2-11 KandaSurugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-5289-8224 Fax: 03-5289-8223
Genpatsu o Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai Office
Zenrouren-kaikan, Heiwa-to-Rodo Center, 2-4-4 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-5842-6451
Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes
e-mail: info@coalitionagainstnukes.jp
Tel: 080-9195-2668
Twitter: @MCANjp
Hangenpatsu Undo Zenkoku Renraku Kai [National Anti-Nuclear Liaison Group]
Akebonobashi Copo 2B, 8-5 Sumiyoshi-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Tel:03-3357-3810 URL: www.nonukesday.org/en
The government, Nuclear Regulation Authority, power companies and local municipalities with nuclear facilities chose to ignore the voice of nearby municipalities, local citizens and civic society and restarted the No.1 reactor of Kyushu Electric’s Sendai nuclear power plant in August and its No. 2 reactor in October last year without even devising an adequate evacuation plan. Shikoku Electric’s Ikata nuclear power plant No. 3 reactor and Kansai Electric’s Takahama nuclear power plant No. 3 and 4 reactors are also on course for restart after gaining the approval of local mayors. The question remains as to who will take responsibility in case of disaster and how they will go about this. We, the people of Japan, will not tolerate the restart of any nuclear facilities under any circumstances.The authorities are ignoring the high radiation levels and the impact on people’s health, including the possibility of thyroid cancer, in trying to force evacuees to return and start rebuilding their lives without respect for their opinions. We will not accept this. We will not tolerate this.
NO NUKES DAY is a day for united action for a nuclear free future and is a united initiative of Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action, and Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai and Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes. The sixth NO NUKES DAY planned for March 26, 2016 is expected to be the biggest demo yet. Let’s unite as a country and put further pressure on the government and power industry to put an end to nuclear power here once and for all.
○Please, make preparations for weather, especially fluid for rehydration and rain gear.
○First-time participants welcome.
○Approach staff if you feel unwell.
○Solicitation to participate in religious or other groups is strictly prohibited.
○Please do not distribute any printed material that has not been approved by organizers.
○This is a non-violent action. Please only participate upon understanding of this policy.
Help us with flier distribution, to spread the word to as many people as possible. We are also looking for shops and other places to display the fliers.
Apply for fliers here: http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=3505 (Japanese; MCAN site)
NO NUKES DAY on March 26 is run solely on donations from ordinary citizens. Please help us to continue our work. For donations:Bank name: Chuo Labour Bank
Branch number: 281
Account name: NO NUKES DAY 実行委員会 (Jikkou Iinkai; Executive Committee)
Futsuu (ordinary savings) account
Account number: 105179
*Please put “3.26 kanpa” in the reference section.
宙づりにされた核 Le nucléaire en sursisTuesday, March 22at 6 PM - 9:30 PM in UTC+09
日仏会館, 恵比寿 3-9-25, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0013
お待ちしてます‼️ A ne pas manquer !! Traduction simultanée !!
2016年03月22日(火) 18:00〜21:00 恵比寿 日仏会館 同時通訳付き★ベルナール・ラポンシュ、今中哲二、島薗進、渡邊晃一、セシル・浅沼=ブリス 日本語 :http://www.mfj.gr.jp/agenda/2016/03/22/20160322_bernard_laponche/index_ja.php
Le nucléaire en sursis, local à l’international : Bilan et déductions Quelles politiques énergétiques pour demain ?
22 mars 18:00-21:00 Maison Franco Japonaise Ebisu Tôkyô
Français : http://www.mfj.gr.jp/agenda/2016/03/22/20160322_bernard_laponche/index.php
Prof. Tetsuji Imanaka (univ Kyoto), B. Laponche (Global Chance), Pr. Susumu Shimazono (Sophia univ.),Pr. Koichi Watanabe (Fukushima univ.), Dr Cécile Brice (CNRS)
18h00-18h05 イントロダクション : セシル・浅沼=ブリス (日仏会館・日本研究センター及びリール第1大学 協力研究員、フランス国立科学研究センター北アジア地域事務所副所長) / 短編映画上映
18h05-18h20「黒塚、黒と朱」(短編映画, 2014年) / 製作:はま・なか・あいづ文化連携プロジェクト
助成:文化庁 / 企画立案、美術: 渡邊晃一、舞踏:平山素子、監督:高明、音楽:野島健太郎 / 討論
18h20-18h55 今中哲二 (原子核物理学者、京都大学) / (仮)福島第一原子力発電所の現状総括:地域住民保護のための政策とは
18h55-19h05 質疑応答
19h05-19h30 セシル・浅沼=ブリス / 日仏原子力発電の半世紀以上:市民の受け入れ方針
19h30-19h40 休憩
19h40-20h15 ベルナール・ラポンシュ (Global chance 共同創設者) / 世界におけるエネルギー移行
20h15-20h25 質疑応答
20h25-20h45 ラウンドテーブル/ベルナール・ラポンシュ、今中哲二、島薗進、渡邊晃一、セシル・浅沼=ブリス / 短編映画上映
20h45-21h00「黒塚、黒と光」(短編映画、2015年)/ 製作:はま・なか・あいづ文化連携プロジェクト
助成:文化庁 / 企画立案、美術 : 渡邊晃一、舞踏:大野慶人、監督:古田晃司、音楽:落合敏行
Par JR le mardi 2 février 2016, 15:15 -
Evénements - Lien permanent
Du 23 mars au 3 avril 2016 à GRENOBLE
Organisé par Sortir du nucléaire 38 et
IndependentWHO -Santé et Nucléaire
This is an extremely long page with dozens
of events in great detail. There are films,
theatrical events, art exhibitions, symposiums, lectures and more.
Please click on title link for all information.
Tchernobyl, déjà 30 ans !
Mais toujours bien présent
Le samedi 23 avril de 9 h à minuit
Mairie de PARIS 2ème (more about Chernobyl than Fukushima;
very extensive program; check it out)
The event runs from 13h30 to 15h30 in the EPF’s Maximum auditorium (Ramistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich) and features former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, Swiss Professor Dr. Horst-Michael Prasser, Green Cross’ Dr. Stephen Robinson, Prof. Jonathan Samet from the University of Southern California, and Dr. Vladimir Kusnetsov of the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute. The panelists will each make a presentation, after which they will respond to audience questions. Simultaneous translation will be provided in
English, German, Japanese and Russian.
Click on the pins for details.
They're not all on the 11th, of course.
Sorry there's no English version of this page.
Meanwhile, read An Appeal From Japan (Eng.)
No More Nuclear Plant Restarts!
Protest In Front Of The PM’s Office
5 years since Fukushima, 4 years since the weekly Friday protests began March 11 protest and assembly for a nuclear free JapanDate: March 11, 2016 (Friday), 18:00-20:00
Place: (1) In front of the PM’s office (protest, including chants)
(2) In front of the main gate of parliament bldg. (speeches fr. youth and politicians)
Organizer: Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes
Access: Nearest stations:
Kokkaigijidomae (Marunouchi, Chiyoda lines); Tameike Sanno (Namboku, Ginza lines)
Nagatacho (Yurakucho, Hanzomon, Namboku lines); Kasumigaseki (Marunouchi, Chiyoda,
Hibiya lines); Sakuradamon (Yurakucho line)Help us by tweeting the following message:
tweet:Mar 11 (Fri) Anti-nuke protest in front of PM office and parliament, Tokyo 6-8pm.
Join us! http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/en/160311-2/ pic.twitter.com/gckwMGgGlX
Details: Guest speakers in front of parliament (planned)From Fukushima:
Kazuyoshi Sato (Vice president, Fukushima Genpatsu Kokusodan / Facilitator, No Nukes Fukushima Network) ★ Kaori Suzuki (Executive Director, Iwaki Radiation Measuring Center, Tarachine / Vice Chairman, Okinawa Kumi No Sato)
Youth, prominent figures:
Chizuko Ueno (Honorary Professor, The University of Tokyo / Chief Director, Women’s Action Network) ★ Satoshi Kamata (Freelance journalist / Promoter, Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action) ★ Rika Kayama (Psychiatrist / Professor, Rikkyo University) ★
Naoto Kan (former PM) ★ Shigeaki Koga (Advocate, Forum 4 / Former Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry official) ★ Setsu Kobayashi (Honorary Professor, Keio University / Lawyer) ★ Takeshi Suwahara (Shimin Rengo / SEALDs) ★ Koichi Nakano (Professor, Sophia University / Promoter, Save Constitutional Democracy Japan) ★ Tsuyoshi Yoshiwara (Advisor, The Johnan Shinkin Bank)
[Possibility of others] *Politicians (currently in talks with people from all parties)
Final chant by the rapper ATS (titles omitted; order based on Japanese syllabary)*Plans are subject to change. *Information on speakers will be updated as required.
○Please make appropriate preparations for weather, esp. fluid for rehydration, and rain gear.
○First-time participants welcome.
○Approach staff if you feel unwell.
○Solicitation to participate in religious or other groups is strictly prohibited.
○Please don't distribute any printed material to participants not first approved by organizers.
○This action is a non-violent action. Please only participate upon understanding this policy.
○No drones allowed.
▼Help us with a donation for this event
This event is run solely on donations from private citizens; please help us continue our work.
○From Japan Post Bank (at Post Offices):
Account name: 首都圏反原発連合 (“Shutoken han-genpatsu rengo”) Account number: 00170-1-291074
○If you deposit from another bank, use the branch number 019 with 0291074 as the account number (Account type: Toza (当座)).
*Please put “0311 kanpa” in the reference section.
▼Help us with flier distribution. We will send you the fliers free of charge.
Toward A Nuclear Free Future
Nationwide Assembly,
March 26 (Saturday)
5 years since Fukushima, 30 years since Chernobyl
For Fukushima And Our Safety/
Place: Yoyogi Park (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Main stage : Yoyogi Park soccer grounds
Outdoor Music stage/Keyaki Namiki stage
★Booths open: 11am
★Outdoor music stage / Keyaki Namiki stage 11:30~13:00
★Main stage (Yoyogi Park soccer grounds) 12:30~14:30
★Protest march starts at 14:30 (three courses planned)
(Plans subject to change. Please check the website for details)
Harajuku Station (JR Line): 10 mins walk
Yoyogi Koen Station (Chiyoda Line, C02): 11 mins walk
Meiji Jingu-mae Station (Harajuku) (Chiyoda Line (C03) and Fukutoshin Line (F15)): 10 mins walk
Yoyogi Hachiman Station (Odakyu Line): 13 mins walk
Shibuya Station (JR, Ginza, Hanzomon, Fukutoshin, Tokyo Toyoko, Denentoshi, Inokashira Lines): 15 mins walk
Inquiries: Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action Executive Committee
c/o Gensuibaku Kinshi Nihon Kokumin Kaigi, Rengokaikan 1F,
3-2-11 KandaSurugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-5289-8224 Fax: 03-5289-8223
Genpatsu o Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai Office
Zenrouren-kaikan, Heiwa-to-Rodo Center, 2-4-4 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-5842-6451
Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes
e-mail: info@coalitionagainstnukes.jp
Tel: 080-9195-2668
Twitter: @MCANjp
Hangenpatsu Undo Zenkoku Renraku Kai [National Anti-Nuclear Liaison Group]
Akebonobashi Copo 2B, 8-5 Sumiyoshi-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Tel:03-3357-3810 URL: www.nonukesday.org/en
The government, Nuclear Regulation Authority, power companies and local municipalities with nuclear facilities chose to ignore the voice of nearby municipalities, local citizens and civic society and restarted the No.1 reactor of Kyushu Electric’s Sendai nuclear power plant in August and its No. 2 reactor in October last year without even devising an adequate evacuation plan. Shikoku Electric’s Ikata nuclear power plant No. 3 reactor and Kansai Electric’s Takahama nuclear power plant No. 3 and 4 reactors are also on course for restart after gaining the approval of local mayors. The question remains as to who will take responsibility in case of disaster and how they will go about this. We, the people of Japan, will not tolerate the restart of any nuclear facilities under any circumstances.The authorities are ignoring the high radiation levels and the impact on people’s health, including the possibility of thyroid cancer, in trying to force evacuees to return and start rebuilding their lives without respect for their opinions. We will not accept this. We will not tolerate this.
NO NUKES DAY is a day for united action for a nuclear free future and is a united initiative of Sayonara Genpatsu 10 Million People’s Action, and Genpatsu wo Nakusu Zenkoku Renrakukai and Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes. The sixth NO NUKES DAY planned for March 26, 2016 is expected to be the biggest demo yet. Let’s unite as a country and put further pressure on the government and power industry to put an end to nuclear power here once and for all.
○Please, make preparations for weather, especially fluid for rehydration and rain gear.
○First-time participants welcome.
○Approach staff if you feel unwell.
○Solicitation to participate in religious or other groups is strictly prohibited.
○Please do not distribute any printed material that has not been approved by organizers.
○This is a non-violent action. Please only participate upon understanding of this policy.
Help us with flier distribution, to spread the word to as many people as possible. We are also looking for shops and other places to display the fliers.
Apply for fliers here: http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=3505 (Japanese; MCAN site)
NO NUKES DAY on March 26 is run solely on donations from ordinary citizens. Please help us to continue our work. For donations:Bank name: Chuo Labour Bank
Branch number: 281
Account name: NO NUKES DAY 実行委員会 (Jikkou Iinkai; Executive Committee)
Futsuu (ordinary savings) account
Account number: 105179
*Please put “3.26 kanpa” in the reference section.
宙づりにされた核 Le nucléaire en sursisTuesday, March 22at 6 PM - 9:30 PM in UTC+09
日仏会館, 恵比寿 3-9-25, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0013
お待ちしてます‼️ A ne pas manquer !! Traduction simultanée !!
2016年03月22日(火) 18:00〜21:00 恵比寿 日仏会館 同時通訳付き★ベルナール・ラポンシュ、今中哲二、島薗進、渡邊晃一、セシル・浅沼=ブリス 日本語 :http://www.mfj.gr.jp/agenda/2016/03/22/20160322_bernard_laponche/index_ja.php
Le nucléaire en sursis, local à l’international : Bilan et déductions Quelles politiques énergétiques pour demain ?
22 mars 18:00-21:00 Maison Franco Japonaise Ebisu Tôkyô
Français : http://www.mfj.gr.jp/agenda/2016/03/22/20160322_bernard_laponche/index.php
Prof. Tetsuji Imanaka (univ Kyoto), B. Laponche (Global Chance), Pr. Susumu Shimazono (Sophia univ.),Pr. Koichi Watanabe (Fukushima univ.), Dr Cécile Brice (CNRS)
18h00-18h05 イントロダクション : セシル・浅沼=ブリス (日仏会館・日本研究センター及びリール第1大学 協力研究員、フランス国立科学研究センター北アジア地域事務所副所長) / 短編映画上映
18h05-18h20「黒塚、黒と朱」(短編映画, 2014年) / 製作:はま・なか・あいづ文化連携プロジェクト
助成:文化庁 / 企画立案、美術: 渡邊晃一、舞踏:平山素子、監督:高明、音楽:野島健太郎 / 討論
18h20-18h55 今中哲二 (原子核物理学者、京都大学) / (仮)福島第一原子力発電所の現状総括:地域住民保護のための政策とは
18h55-19h05 質疑応答
19h05-19h30 セシル・浅沼=ブリス / 日仏原子力発電の半世紀以上:市民の受け入れ方針
19h30-19h40 休憩
19h40-20h15 ベルナール・ラポンシュ (Global chance 共同創設者) / 世界におけるエネルギー移行
20h15-20h25 質疑応答
20h25-20h45 ラウンドテーブル/ベルナール・ラポンシュ、今中哲二、島薗進、渡邊晃一、セシル・浅沼=ブリス / 短編映画上映
20h45-21h00「黒塚、黒と光」(短編映画、2015年)/ 製作:はま・なか・あいづ文化連携プロジェクト
助成:文化庁 / 企画立案、美術 : 渡邊晃一、舞踏:大野慶人、監督:古田晃司、音楽:落合敏行
France does not forget Fukushima, nor Chernobyl.
Sortir de Nucleaire offers a wonderful page of 3.11 5th year mobilisations and resources. Or go straight to their list of all actions (so far) in France, already two pages long.
They're just getting started.
« TCHERNOBYL, FUKUSHIMA… »They're just getting started.
Par JR le mardi 2 février 2016, 15:15 -
Evénements - Lien permanent
Du 23 mars au 3 avril 2016 à GRENOBLE
Organisé par Sortir du nucléaire 38 et
IndependentWHO -Santé et Nucléaire
This is an extremely long page with dozens
of events in great detail. There are films,
theatrical events, art exhibitions, symposiums, lectures and more.
Please click on title link for all information.
Tchernobyl, déjà 30 ans !
Mais toujours bien présent
Le samedi 23 avril de 9 h à minuit
Mairie de PARIS 2ème (more about Chernobyl than Fukushima;
very extensive program; check it out)
(this ᛏ page will be updated with more details, so please
check back before attending any of the events
check back before attending any of the events
Friday 11 March 2016 17:30 – 19:30
outside Japanese Embassy, 101 Piccadilly, London W1
speakers and performers to be announced
Saturday 12 March 2016 12:00 gathering for start at 12:30
assemble Hyde Park Corner London W1
followed by a RALLY 14:00
In front of Statue of George, Old Palace Yard opposite Parliament
speakers and performers to be announced
RSVP to: rememberfukushima311@gmail.com
Thursday 17 March 2016, 19:00 – 21:00
Atlee Suite, 1st fl., Portcullis House, Bridge St., London SW1A 2LW
(Portcullis Hse. is above Westminster tube station, opposite Big Ben;
entrance at end of the building facing the river; see #4 on this map)
‘Cher30byl and Fuku5hima – Beyond Nuclear’
to a safe, secure, affordable nuclear-free future.
A series of events in Manchester coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster and 5th anniversary of the Fukushima disaster. The conference addresses ongoing effects of these incidents, divesting from nuclear power and developing renewable, local, decentralised energy solutions.
On the afternoon of Friday 18th March there will be a UK and Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities special seminar in Manchester Town Hall with high profile international speakers who will talk about the Chernobyl and Fukushima incidents and developing renewable futures. This programme has been agreed and will be advertised to NFLA members, MPs and MEPs. There may be a limited number of spaces available to NGO representatives.
MAIN CONFERENCE:Saturday 19th March 2015, 9.30am – 4.45pm, Mechanics Institute, Manchester
Understanding the impacts of Chernobyl and Fukushima and the potential of renewable energy alternatives in the battle against climate change. This event incorporates the 2016 Low Level Radiation and Health Conference and is open to all (registration req.)
9.30am Registration
10.10am Introduction and civic welcome.
10.15am Keynote address: Going beyond Chernobyl and Fukushima for a non-nuclear energy future – Tony Juniper, Chair of Action for Renewables (invited)
10.45am Q & A
11.15am Break, refreshments
11.30am Session 1 – The impact of the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters on health and the environment
Chair - Dr Helen Wallace, Gene Watch
Dr Ian Fairlie, independent consultant on radioactivity in the environment
– Chernobyl and Fukushima, a comparison (confirmed)
Dr Keith Baverstock, Department of Environment Science, University of
Eastern Finland and former Head of WHO Radiation Protection
Programme for Europe – What underpins the health effects of radiation at
low doses: mutation or genomic instability? (confirmed)
Dr Tim Mousseau, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of South
Carolina – Do Nuclear Accidents Generate a “Garden of Eden” for Wildlife?
Lessons from the Chernobyl and Fukushima Disasters (confirmed)
1.00pm Panel discussion
1.30pm Lunch
2.15pm Session 2 – Can renewables step up to the mark in the UK? What can be learnt from the German and Austrian „Energiewende‟ experience?
Chair – Julie Ward MEP for NW England
Prof Keith Barnham, Emeritus Professor, Imperial College – developing a
low carbon, non nuclear energy revolution (confirmed)
Reinhard Uhrig, Global 2000 – the Austrian energy debate and why it has
embraced renewables (confirmed)
Angelika Claussen – Germany‟s Energiewende and how it is delivering a
renewable revolution (confirmed)
15.45pm Panel discussion.
16.30pm Closing comments from rapporteur– Dr Jill Sutcliffe, LLRHC
On Sunday 20th March we plan to develop a special Campaigner's Day conference for activists' groups and all those interested in being pro-active in the UK new nuclear debate and practical renewable alternatives. A full programme is available here.
There is a £10 charge (for catering expense) for the Saturday conference.
If you are planning to attend, please click title link for the attendance form.
Further info: Landline: +44 (0)161 234 3244 Mobile: +44 (0)7771 930196
These events have been organised by a Steering Group including NFLA, Low Level Health and Radiation Conference, CND, SERA, JAN and Kick Nuclear. The Steering Group would like to thank WISE International, Lush and participating groups for providing generous funds for the logistics and organisation of these events.
FUKUSHIMA DAY Lydney Harbour, Gloustershire, UK
Please join us at Lydney Harbour on March 11th at 6pm
to commemorate FUKUSHIMA DAY
Five years ago a tsunami off the coast of Japan breached the defences of a nuclear power station. 120,00 people had to evacuate their homes, some as far away as 30 k from the plant. Most of them are still evacuated, and will never return to their homes. In Lydney we are 10k and in Coleford 17k from the site of the proposed Nuclear Power Station at Oldbury.Details nearer the time, but please put this important date in your diary now. Please join us and help to make this an important and memorable day for the people living in the shadow of Oldbury and Berkeley nuclear stations.
Members of Bedford Green Party will be gathering at the Bedford Against Nuclear Dumping (BAND) Monument, Kempston Hardwick, close to what was the old Elstow Storage Deport. The time still has to be confirmed but will probably be in the afternoon. The gathering is to mark the anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident on 11th March 2011. It is particularly important to remember, and remind ourselves of the potential problems that Nuclear Power Generation can bring, and the campaign that was waged against the dumping of nuclear waste in the 1980’s. Green Party Event Facebook
Friday 11th March, Commemoration of Fukushima
outside Burnley College, Princess Way, Burnley BB12 0AN. Meet about 11 30am to set up stall for noon commemoration. Contact: David Penney david.penney53@ntlworld.com
Tel 01282 870 079
March–June 2016
Japan Society presents an institution-wide series of programming that commemorates the tragic loss and fundamentally changed society, and examines the recovery process and the tremendous challenges that remain. Central mong talks, performances and film screenings is Japan Society Gallery’s exhibition, In the Wake: Japanese Photographers Respond to 3/11, opening March 11, which explores the universal resonance of works of art created in response to the tragedy and their ability to speak to incredible human resilience. Another major event is the Local Innovators Forum in Tokyo on February 27, organized with ETIC., a non-profit in Japan that supports business and social entrepreneurship in Japan, and part of a series of activities in Japan that week, including a visit to the region for participants from the U.S. and a public forum in Sendai.
Additional Programs:
INSTALLATION Yoko Ono: Wish Tree
Friday, March 11 — Sunday, June 12
Japan Society
333 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017
FILM Nuclear Nation IIto a safe, secure, affordable nuclear-free future.
A series of events in Manchester coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster and 5th anniversary of the Fukushima disaster. The conference addresses ongoing effects of these incidents, divesting from nuclear power and developing renewable, local, decentralised energy solutions.
On the afternoon of Friday 18th March there will be a UK and Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities special seminar in Manchester Town Hall with high profile international speakers who will talk about the Chernobyl and Fukushima incidents and developing renewable futures. This programme has been agreed and will be advertised to NFLA members, MPs and MEPs. There may be a limited number of spaces available to NGO representatives.
MAIN CONFERENCE:Saturday 19th March 2015, 9.30am – 4.45pm, Mechanics Institute, Manchester
Understanding the impacts of Chernobyl and Fukushima and the potential of renewable energy alternatives in the battle against climate change. This event incorporates the 2016 Low Level Radiation and Health Conference and is open to all (registration req.)
9.30am Registration
10.10am Introduction and civic welcome.
10.15am Keynote address: Going beyond Chernobyl and Fukushima for a non-nuclear energy future – Tony Juniper, Chair of Action for Renewables (invited)
10.45am Q & A
11.15am Break, refreshments
11.30am Session 1 – The impact of the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters on health and the environment
Chair - Dr Helen Wallace, Gene Watch
Dr Ian Fairlie, independent consultant on radioactivity in the environment
– Chernobyl and Fukushima, a comparison (confirmed)
Dr Keith Baverstock, Department of Environment Science, University of
Eastern Finland and former Head of WHO Radiation Protection
Programme for Europe – What underpins the health effects of radiation at
low doses: mutation or genomic instability? (confirmed)
Dr Tim Mousseau, Professor of Biological Sciences, University of South
Carolina – Do Nuclear Accidents Generate a “Garden of Eden” for Wildlife?
Lessons from the Chernobyl and Fukushima Disasters (confirmed)
1.00pm Panel discussion
1.30pm Lunch
2.15pm Session 2 – Can renewables step up to the mark in the UK? What can be learnt from the German and Austrian „Energiewende‟ experience?
Chair – Julie Ward MEP for NW England
Prof Keith Barnham, Emeritus Professor, Imperial College – developing a
low carbon, non nuclear energy revolution (confirmed)
Reinhard Uhrig, Global 2000 – the Austrian energy debate and why it has
embraced renewables (confirmed)
Angelika Claussen – Germany‟s Energiewende and how it is delivering a
renewable revolution (confirmed)
15.45pm Panel discussion.
16.30pm Closing comments from rapporteur– Dr Jill Sutcliffe, LLRHC
On Sunday 20th March we plan to develop a special Campaigner's Day conference for activists' groups and all those interested in being pro-active in the UK new nuclear debate and practical renewable alternatives. A full programme is available here.
There is a £10 charge (for catering expense) for the Saturday conference.
If you are planning to attend, please click title link for the attendance form.
Further info: Landline: +44 (0)161 234 3244 Mobile: +44 (0)7771 930196
These events have been organised by a Steering Group including NFLA, Low Level Health and Radiation Conference, CND, SERA, JAN and Kick Nuclear. The Steering Group would like to thank WISE International, Lush and participating groups for providing generous funds for the logistics and organisation of these events.
FUKUSHIMA DAY Lydney Harbour, Gloustershire, UK
Please join us at Lydney Harbour on March 11th at 6pm
to commemorate FUKUSHIMA DAY
Five years ago a tsunami off the coast of Japan breached the defences of a nuclear power station. 120,00 people had to evacuate their homes, some as far away as 30 k from the plant. Most of them are still evacuated, and will never return to their homes. In Lydney we are 10k and in Coleford 17k from the site of the proposed Nuclear Power Station at Oldbury.Details nearer the time, but please put this important date in your diary now. Please join us and help to make this an important and memorable day for the people living in the shadow of Oldbury and Berkeley nuclear stations.
Members of Bedford Green Party will be gathering at the Bedford Against Nuclear Dumping (BAND) Monument, Kempston Hardwick, close to what was the old Elstow Storage Deport. The time still has to be confirmed but will probably be in the afternoon. The gathering is to mark the anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident on 11th March 2011. It is particularly important to remember, and remind ourselves of the potential problems that Nuclear Power Generation can bring, and the campaign that was waged against the dumping of nuclear waste in the 1980’s. Green Party Event Facebook
Friday 11th March, Commemoration of Fukushima
outside Burnley College, Princess Way, Burnley BB12 0AN. Meet about 11 30am to set up stall for noon commemoration. Contact: David Penney david.penney53@ntlworld.com
Tel 01282 870 079
Please join us on the 5th anniversary of the ongoing Fukushima disaster. We will be in Whitehaven for a vigil and events to Remember Fukushima and Stop Moorside. We will be at the Harbour near The Beacon (see map) from 12pm till 2ish, on March 11th
Join us to hear a short message read out from the Prime Minister of Japan at the time of the disaster, the message includes the statement: ”If you love your country, let nuclear go!”
We will then hold a minutes silence in a Vigil to Remember Fukushima.
Following the Vigil we'll hold events to Stop Moorside. Bring music, bring yourselves and…
Show Resistance to Moorside – the proposed Biggest Nuclear Development in Europe, on greenfields near to Sellafield the most dangerous nuclear site in the world.
This event is just one of the many taking place across the UK and the world to Remember Fukushima and Resist the Nuclear Juggernaught. Contact: rafl@mariannebirkby.plus.com
New York
March–June 2016
Japan Society presents an institution-wide series of programming that commemorates the tragic loss and fundamentally changed society, and examines the recovery process and the tremendous challenges that remain. Central mong talks, performances and film screenings is Japan Society Gallery’s exhibition, In the Wake: Japanese Photographers Respond to 3/11, opening March 11, which explores the universal resonance of works of art created in response to the tragedy and their ability to speak to incredible human resilience. Another major event is the Local Innovators Forum in Tokyo on February 27, organized with ETIC., a non-profit in Japan that supports business and social entrepreneurship in Japan, and part of a series of activities in Japan that week, including a visit to the region for participants from the U.S. and a public forum in Sendai.
Additional Programs:
INSTALLATION Yoko Ono: Wish Tree
Friday, March 11 — Sunday, June 12
Japan Society
333 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017
(Futaba kara Toku Hanarete Dainibu)
Thursday, March 17, 7 PM
Japan Society, 333 East 47th St.
New York, NY 10017
Annual Play Reading Series: Girl X
Contemporary Japanese Plays
in English Translation
Monday, March 21, 7:30 PM
Japan Society, 333 East 47th St.,
New York, NY 10017
ARTISTS-IN-DIALOGUE Confronting Disaster
Friday, April 15, 6:30 PM
Japan Society
333 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 Sunday March 6, 4pm
Fifth Anniversary Memorial for Japan's
Earthquake and Tsunami Victims
At First Church of Christ, Scientist
10 West 68th St. at CPW, New York, NY 10023
Discussion: 3.11 and 9/11
Survivors' Stories March 8
Program 6:30 PM Reception 8 PM
Asia Society, 725 Park Ave. at 70th St.
New York, NY 10021
Welcome to the premiere of "Radiation Filters.", a private event bringing together members of our community for the first ever screening of the complete film. The filmmakers will host a Q&A session afterwards. Runtime 111 minutes. The event is free but donations will help support distribution.
Friday, March 11, 2016 7 PM to 10 PM (PST) - Delancey Street Screening Room, 600 The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 94107 - Map
Feel free to join us before the premiere at the annual 3-11 vigil at the Japanese Consulate (275 Battery St.), 3-4:30pm, to honor the victims of the 3.11 disaster. We'd love to see you there! Be radiant, Minea and Oliver
Candle Light Vigil 5th Anniversary of Fukushima Daiichi,
6:00 PM; Friday, March 11th, 2016
Japanese Consulate, 299 Park Avenue, btwn 48th & 49th
Organizers: Shut Down Indian Point Now!
After Fukushima: A 24-hour Event (curated by Judy Hussie-Taylor and Lydia Bell in collaboration w/ Eiko) marks the 5th anniversary of the earthquake, tsunami, nuclear disaster in Japan. includes a photo collaboration between Eiko and photographer/historian William Johnston on display in the sanctuary for 24 hours beginning on March 11. Contemporary Japanese Plays
in English Translation
Monday, March 21, 7:30 PM
Japan Society, 333 East 47th St.,
New York, NY 10017
ARTISTS-IN-DIALOGUE Confronting Disaster
Friday, April 15, 6:30 PM
Japan Society
333 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017
Exhibition: Lessons from Recovery:
the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011
January 28–February 23, 2016
At The Nippon Club
The Nippon Gallery, 7th Floor
145 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019
the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011
January 28–February 23, 2016
At The Nippon Club
The Nippon Gallery, 7th Floor
145 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 Sunday March 6, 4pm
Fifth Anniversary Memorial for Japan's
Earthquake and Tsunami Victims
At First Church of Christ, Scientist
10 West 68th St. at CPW, New York, NY 10023
Discussion: 3.11 and 9/11
Survivors' Stories March 8
Program 6:30 PM Reception 8 PM
Asia Society, 725 Park Ave. at 70th St.
New York, NY 10021
Welcome to the premiere of "Radiation Filters.", a private event bringing together members of our community for the first ever screening of the complete film. The filmmakers will host a Q&A session afterwards. Runtime 111 minutes. The event is free but donations will help support distribution.
Friday, March 11, 2016 7 PM to 10 PM (PST) - Delancey Street Screening Room, 600 The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 94107 - Map
Feel free to join us before the premiere at the annual 3-11 vigil at the Japanese Consulate (275 Battery St.), 3-4:30pm, to honor the victims of the 3.11 disaster. We'd love to see you there! Be radiant, Minea and Oliver
6:00 PM; Friday, March 11th, 2016
Japanese Consulate, 299 Park Avenue, btwn 48th & 49th
Organizers: Shut Down Indian Point Now!
Danspace Project, St. Marks Church, 2nd Ave at 10th St. NYC
Schedule March 11
Conversation Without Walls: Bearing Witness 4pm - 8pm
Scholars and artists gather to commemorate the five-year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster, and to ask how we're challenged by mounting human failures; how movement affects our thoughts, sensitivity; how memory affects movement; how choreographers deal w/ changing environments; artistically, politically and socially?
Work-in-progress Program (not yet confirmed)
4-5pm: Marilyn Ivy & Bill Johnston discussing A Body in Fukushima
Respondents: Harry Philbrick, Julie Malnig
5-6pm: Karen Shimakawa & Ana Janevski
Respondents: Debra Levine, Luciana Achugar
6-7pm: Yoshiko Chuma & Katja Kolcio
Respondents: Koosil-ja, Wendy Perron
At 9pm Eiko will perform in the Church
with a special introduction by Yukie Kamiya, Gallery Director of Japan Society.
At 10pm the Church will open for 24 hours to visit the Eiko/Johnston "A Body in Fukushima" photos as singers and poets mark each hour with a song and poem.
March 12 10 pm. Exhibition closes
Washington, D.C.
(Various dates, and places in the U.S. and Japan)
In observation of the fifth year anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, USJC is holding and supporting several events to commemorate how much progress has been made and to assess what is still left to be done. Events are being held all over the United States and Japan. To learn more, find an event in your region and click the link to learn more.
RVA: Not on Our Fault Line
~ Stop North Anna 3 Nuclear Reactor!
Friday, March 11at 12 PM
Dominion VA Power, 701 E Cary St, Richmond, VA 23219
Richmond VA is participating in the worldwide rally day, to remember the ongoing nuclear disaster in Fukushima Japan and to demand that Dominion abandon their proposed 3rd nuclear reactor at North Anna. TOO COSTLY & TOO RISKY!!!
Saturday, March 12at 2 PM - 4 PM in EST
Athens-Clarke County Library, Appleton Auditorium
2025 Baxter St, Athens, Georgia 30606
Join Nuclear Watch South for a short-film screening of Fukushima@5 featuring Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Associates, and discussion on the fifth anniversary of the first of three nuclear meltdowns at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant following the tragic Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan. FREE
There will be a standout next Friday, March 11, 5th anniversary Fukushima, at 12 noon at Park Street at Tremont Street, and then we will move up the hill to MA State House and stand out there. Some of us will wear hazmat suits, others will wear full pink slips over our coats to state: YOU ARE FIRED ENTERGY AND PILGRIM. Some of us will go in to lobby after the two standouts. PLEASE JOIN US! Contact: sheilaruthparks@comcast.netVermont
FUKUSHIMA 5 Each year since March 11, 2011 those of us who live in local nuclear reactor Vermont Yankee's shadow have gathered to support the people of Fukushima, Japan. They continue to suffer the loss of the homeland of their families and ancestors, their farmlands and businesses. 2016 marks the 5th year of this on-going tragedy. This is a humanitarian and environmental crisis on a scale the world has never seen before. Vermont Yankee is the same age, make and model as those in Fukushima. We who live in Yankee’s "evacuation zone" feel a special solidarity with the victims. Please honor them. Join Safe & Green on Saturday March 12 for a vigil between 10am and noon, at Pliny Park in downtown Brattleboro. Counteract the nuclear industry whitewash, spread the truth.
Next month, VT-Fukushima Muddy Feet hosts a benefit concert in Burlington on April 16 for Komera's Forest, a camp for Fukushima children to escape radiation exposure for a season and recover their health. Please support Fukushima youth!
Professor Katharina Gerstenberger, University of Utah, keynote speaker |
dedicated to nuclear disasters
The OU Humanities Forum hosts a public symposium dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and 30th of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, on Thursday, March 10
from 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the Scholars Room of the
Oklahoma Memorial Union. The event is free and open to student, staff, faculty, and the general public.
There will be an afternoon reception, a coffee break and an after-panel reception where food and snacks will be provided. There will be two panels at the event consisting of OU faculty. Panelists will include faculty from the languages and history departments. The first panel will discuss nuclear disaster and memory studies, the second panel will discuss nuclear disaster and energy humanities. Toward the end, Katharina Gerstenberger, University of Utah will give the keynote address, "From transaction catastrophe to international disaster tourism - 30 years of Chernobyl."
Sunday, March 20, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Levan 100, Schmitt Academic Center,
DePaul University Lincoln Pk. Campus
2320 N Kenmore Ave., Chicago
Featured Guest Speakers:
Lucas Hixon, a radiation monitoring technician
with Enformable Environmental Services, reporting
on his recent 10-day fact-finding field trip to "The Zone"
Dr. Norma Field, a Robert S. Ingersoll Distinguished
Service Professor Emerita of Japanese Studies in the
Department of East Asian Languages & Civilizations, University of Chicago. Co-Sponsored by Department of International Studies | DePaul University, and Nuclear Energy Information Service. For information: (773)342-7650 www.neis.org/calendar
Also at DePaul on April 15th: Fukushima Health and Environmental Effects presents
Atomic Age Symposium III 5:30 - 9pm CST, Rosati Room 300, Richardson Library,
2350 N. Kenmore, DePaul University, Lincoln Park Campus
Speaking will be Dr. Timothy Mousseau, Prof. Biology, U of SC
Also Speaking: Ms. Marian Naranjo, Director of Honor Our Pueblo Existence (HOPE)
For information contact: ymiyamot@depaul.edu
Japan Club Earth Quake Concert - Fukushima 5th Anniversary
Oakton Community College, Oakton Community College, 1600 E. Golf Rd., Des Plaines , IL, 60016. Contact Keiko Anno kanno@oakton.edu 847.635.1435
Thursday, 10 March, 2016, 01:30 pm - 03:00 pm Japan Club will have a concert with two professional musicians to raise money for the Japan American Society of Chicago to give to the Red Cross for the victims of the earth quake. Updates here.
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Five Years Later -
Film screenings, Center for East Asian Studies, University of Chicago, Saturday, March 12, 2016 from 8:30 AM to 4:45 PM CST
Logan Center for the Arts, 915 E 60th St, Screening Rm. 201, Map
We'll observe the fifth anniversary by screening two films, followed by a panel discussion and audience Q&A. Nuclear Japan (2014), a critical scrutiny of nuclear power in Japan is anti-nuclear attorney Kawai Hiroyuki's first film. Little Voices from Fukushima (2015)
portrays mothers searching for ways to protect their children in Japan, and Belarusian mothers and children 25 years after Chernobyl's disaster, by Kamanaka Hitomi, veteran documentarian of the human impacts of radiation.
This event is free and open to the public, sponsored by the University of Chicago Center for East Asian Studies, w/ support from a Title VI National Resource Center Grant from the United States Dept. of Education.
PANELISTS ★Kennette Benedict (Bulletin of Atomic Scientists; UChicago)★Judy Hoffman (Kartemquin Films; UChicago)★Kazu Haga(East Point Peace Academy;BASE Initiative)★Noritsugu Fujimoto(Fukushima University)
8:30-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-9:15 Opening Remarks
9:15-11:30 Nuclear Japan (135 mins.)
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-2:30 Little Voices (120 mins.)
2:30-2:45 Coffee Break
2:45-3:45 Panel
3:45-4:45 Q&A
Friday March 11th 8:30 pm - 10 pm
Hilo Federal Building, 154 Wainuenue Avenue,
HI, 96720 map
Malu Aina will acknowledge the 5th anniversary of the Fukushima disaster at their 755th consecutive Friday Peace Vigil. Contact: shaw.geoff5@gmail.com
PRAYER FOR FUKUSHIMA@5th Anniversary of 3.11
Friday, March 11at 6 PM - 7:45 PM in UTC-10
Hawaiian Queen Coffee Gardens, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740
This coming March 11, 2016 is the 5th anniversary of Japan’s earthquake and nuclear disaster. We would like to gather to pray for children in Fukushima and the world who have been affected by the event. Our budget of 2016 is $30,000 to host a group of children from Fukushima for 1 month in summer, and babies/moms all year round for up to 3 months. All the proceeds will benefit Fukushima Kids Hawaii Project 6. We hope our effort will touch the people’s heart and our mission will be accomplished this year again.
Performing artists Dance: Nasu Shizuno, Vocal; Kaiulani Trainer (Soprano), Gen Morita (Folksinger), Flute: Yumi Kikuchi, Piano: Annu Shionoya, MC&Poetry Reading: Thais Mazur
Time table:
6:00pm Silent Auction, Wine/Cheese
6:30 Fukushima update by Gen and Yumi
6:45 Dance and Concert
7:30 Closure
Silent Auction Contributing Artists: Mayumi Oda, Hiroki Morinoue, Andrea Pro and more
Suggested Donation: $20~100. Please send an e-mail to rawinfo@harmonicslife.net to reserve your seat(s) with your name, phone#, and number of seats needed.
Message from Aloha-Keiki President and co-founders of Fukushima Kids Hawaii:
5 years since the East Japan Great Earthquake on March 11, 2011. We hear more than 150 children have been suffering from thyroid cancer after Fukushima nuclear disaster that continues today. We gather on the anniversary to pray for the wellbeing of children in Fukushima and the world who are affected by radiation. Even if you can not join us, please join our prayer and consider making a contribution to "Aloha Keiki” .
Mahalo nui loa ありがとうございます. - Akemi Rogers, Yumi and Gen Morita
Fukushima Kids Hawaii is a project of Aloha-Keiki, a 501(c)(3) NPO - your donation is tax deductible. Checks may be made out to Aloha-Keiki and sent to : 75-286 Hoene St., Kailua Kona, HI96740. We're accepting artworks and gift cards for the silent auction. Contact Yumi 808-209-3377 http://www.fukushimakidshawaii.com/
6:00pm Silent Auction, Wine/Cheese
6:30 Fukushima update by Gen and Yumi
6:45 Dance and Concert
7:30 Closure
Silent Auction Contributing Artists: Mayumi Oda, Hiroki Morinoue, Andrea Pro and more
Suggested Donation: $20~100. Please send an e-mail to rawinfo@harmonicslife.net to reserve your seat(s) with your name, phone#, and number of seats needed.
Message from Aloha-Keiki President and co-founders of Fukushima Kids Hawaii:
5 years since the East Japan Great Earthquake on March 11, 2011. We hear more than 150 children have been suffering from thyroid cancer after Fukushima nuclear disaster that continues today. We gather on the anniversary to pray for the wellbeing of children in Fukushima and the world who are affected by radiation. Even if you can not join us, please join our prayer and consider making a contribution to "Aloha Keiki” .
Mahalo nui loa ありがとうございます. - Akemi Rogers, Yumi and Gen Morita
Fukushima Kids Hawaii is a project of Aloha-Keiki, a 501(c)(3) NPO - your donation is tax deductible. Checks may be made out to Aloha-Keiki and sent to : 75-286 Hoene St., Kailua Kona, HI96740. We're accepting artworks and gift cards for the silent auction. Contact Yumi 808-209-3377 http://www.fukushimakidshawaii.com/
Fukushima five-year event #fukushima
Friday, March 11at 12 PM in MST
Colfax and Broadway, Denver, CO 80203
Five years ago on March 11, 2011 the world suffered it's first triple nuclear meltdown. Our government, scientists and fascist corporate media have done a good job lying and covering up this event to the world public. Locally I feel I'm the only person talking about this.
The salmon die offs in the northwest, dead whales and seals are being blamed on a "toxic algae bloom"; as well as "El Nino "...ahem, B******t!
On the 11th of March 2016, l'm organizing a peaceful demonstration to present, in public, the facts about the ongoing crisis that's killing the Pacific Ocean. I'll update this page w/ documentation from wonderful anti-nuclear activists.
3/11 Rally-Speak Out On 5th Anniversary Of FukushimaThursday March 11, 2016 3:00 PM
Japanese Consulate, 275 Battery Street, San Francisco
March 11, 2016 is the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe that is still reverberating in Japan and around the world. The nuclear plants are still releasing thousands of tons of radioactive water and over 1000 tanks filled with contaminated radioactive water surround the broken nuclear plants.
The children and families continue to have a rising level of thyroid cancers and this uptick is taking place in other places in Japan. Despite these dangers the Japanese Abe government has said that the problem has been solved. They are demanding the the families and children return to Fukushima or lose subsidies for housing. The government is also claiming that they have "decontaminated" Fukushima and told the Olympic Committee that the problem had been solved.
The government has also raised the limits of allowable radiation for citizens, to those of nuclear facility workers in Japan. The government has also passed secrecy laws that threaten journalists and investigators getting information out about the disaster. Pretending Fukushima never happened won't work. Hundreds of thousands of citizens have gone to the streets to demand an end to the restarting of Japan's remaining more than 40 nuclear plants.
The government is seeking the full militarization Japan by eliminating Article 9 of the constitution that limits wars and intervention, and wants to include nuclear weapons despite mass opposition among the majority of the population.
On March 11, 2016 people throughout the world including in San Francisco will speak out and call for an end to the restarting of Japan's nuclear plants, for the evacuation of children and families in Fukushima and for the government to take responsibility and subsidize housing outside the area!
We call for an end to the censorship laws, and also for the elimination of Article 9, which will lead to further militarization and war.
We call for the closure of all nuclear plants around the world including Diablo Canyon in California, which is also running on an earthquake fault like many nuclear plants in Japan.
Please Join Us and Speak Out
Initiated by No Nukes Action Committee
Endorsed by Tri Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment), Livermore, Codepink Golden Gate Chapter, Occupy SF Action Council, Fukushima Response, Veterans for Piece- Chater #69,SF, Veterans for Peace East Bay Chapter #162, Asian Americans for Peace and Justice, EON (Ecological Options Network), BARK ( Barkers Agitating for Reactor Closure), PG&E Ratepayer Revolt, Mt.Diablo Peace and Justice Center, Walnut Creek, Sloths Against Nuclear State(反核ナマケモノの会), New York, Solar Justice, San Louis Obispo Mothers for peace, United Public Workers For Action http://www.upwa.info, and more groups and many more individuals. http://nonukesaction.wordpress.com/
Santa Barbara
5th Fukushima Anniversary, Friday, March 11, 2016
Santa Barbara Peace March
End the Nuclear Age / Prevent Nuclear War in Syria
10-11am gather in De La Guerra Plaza outside City Hall
Walk to Courthouse Sunken Gardens for Circle Ceremony
Appeal from the Santa Barbara Science Center Project
http://Santa-Barbara-Science-Center.info/ To raise awareness of technologies replacing nuclear and fossil fuels, and to neutralize radioactive wastes summarized at http://padrak.com/vesperman
A project of the 2016 Rainbow Uprising Peace March, NE to DC,
Aug. 9 http://Global-Emergency-Alert-Response.net/2016RUPM.html
San Luis Obispo
5 YEARS LATER March 11, 2016
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace invites you to join us in a remembrance of the Fukushima disaster. Come to acknowledge the devastation and to gain an understanding of the current conditions.
Steynberg Gallery, 1531 Monterey Street, San Luis Obispo
Program: 7:00 – 9:00pm
Dinner available beforehand by reservation: 5:30 – 6:30
Curry, Panini (meat or vegetarian) $8.00 - $10.00 - order your meal by March 8 - RSVP to evyjust@gmail.com
The program will include:
★ Firsthand observations in words and pictures on the conditions around Fukushima by Brother Sawada and Yoko Kubota
★ Photo display narrating the enormity of the clean-up
★Music by award-winning singer/songwriter Dulcie Taylor
★A reading of a Marge Piercy poem “The Long Death”
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace remembers Fukushima.
Reverend Sawada Gyosen is a Buddhist monk who drums and walks for a nuclear free world. He has walked from Santa Barbara to San Luis Obispo and Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant for many years and is doing so again this year. The following is his “path,” and we invite you to join him for all or part of it. Contact sherry.lewis66@att.net for more information.
Brother Sawada arrives in Santa Barbara on March 3and begins his walk the next morning at 9:00 from the Santa Barbara Courthouse.
March 4: 9:00am Santa Barbara Courthouse, State Street, Hwy 154 up the San Marco Pass to Lake Cachuma.
March 5: 9:00am Begins at Lake Cachuma, through Santa Ynez, west on Hwy 246 through Buellton to Drum Canyon.
March 6: 9:00am Begins at the intersection of Drum Canyon and Hwy 246 through Mission Hills and Vandenberg Village finishing at the main gate of Vandenberg AFB.
March 7: 9:00am Begins at Vandenberg AFB gate on Hwy 1, turns west on San Antonia Rd, through Casmalia to Hwy 1 a few miles north of Orcutt and then to Guadalupe.
March 8: 9:00am Guadalupe to Pismo Beach.
March 9: 9:00am Pismo Beach through Price Canyon to Hwy 227 to San Luis Obispo Courthouse.
March 10: 9:30am San Luis Obispo Courthouse to Diablo Canyon - Higuera to Ontario Rd, Bob Jones Trail to Avila to Diablo Canyon entrance.
March 11: 9:00am – 3:00pm Brother Sawada will vigil outside the SLO Courthouse.
7:00pm Brother Sawada will speak and drum at the remembrance event at Steynberg Gallery (see post above).
On 3/11, 4x Grammy Award winner George Kahumoku offered to benefit our nonprofit Whalesong Projectʻs ocean monitoring project, so we will take a moment of silence for all affected during that event. Any money raised will go to our lab for testing fish and seaweed….keeping an eye on the ocean. Iʻm continuing to encourage people to support Safecastʻs radiation mapping. We'll continue to promote open data, independent monitoring, citizen science, the importance of crowd-sourced radiation data in emergencies and routine situations. - Dan Sythe, Int'l. Medcom.
Stop in March 11, 7pm at the Sebastopol Community Cultural Center, 390 Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472 Tickets available.
Tuesday, March 8th, 6:30pm – Free! Aqus Cafe, 189 H St. at 2nd
John Bertucci of Fukushima Response joins Professor Mickey Huff, Director of Project Censored, in conversation with Sonoma State University student researchers.
What’s happening with Fukushima now and in greater Japan?
How bad and widespread is the radioactive contamination?
What are alternatives to nuclear and other fossil fuel based power?
What can be done to prevent future disasters?
Love to Nippon 2016 第5回3.11東日本大震災追悼集会
Fifth Annual 3.11 Memorial Events
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Love to Nippon 2016 The 5th Annual 3.11 Memorial Event
Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Memorial
Los Angeles Police Department HQ
Keynote Speaker: The Honorable Norman Mineta
Former United States Secretary of Transportation
"Remembering 9.11 & 3.11"
Register to attend: www.lovetonippon.com
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Film of earthquake orphans of
Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995
Nibei Foundation 11570 w. Olympic Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Phone: 3104796101 Email: nibei@nibei.org
喜びよ』映画上映 阪神淡路大震災を経験
した杉田真一監督 初長編作品 ニベイ財団
Thursday, March 10, 2016, 9:46pm
Public Prayers March 10th at 9:46PM Pacific Time (US)
is when earthquake occurred March 11, 2011 in Japan
3月10日(木)3.11地震発生同時刻の祈りのつどい 9:46pm
The location for the gathering is on the beach, near lifeguard station 1550, located just north of the pier, close to Bubba Gumps. Parking lot 1550 is located right there (accessible from Seaside Lane off Ocean Avenue or the PCH); also parking on the Pier and meter parking along Ocean Ave.
Friday, March 11, 20165 Year Anniversary
of Japan’s 3.11 Earthquake & Tsunami
World Premier: Documentary Film “Kyo/Today/今日”
Event Menu - Local Fukushima Cuisine By Jicca
Miso Roll with Shiso (しそ巻き); Mushroom Kinpira (きのこのきんぴら); AIZU SOBA Salad (会津蕎麦サラダ); Shio Koji Pickles (三五八ピクルス); Salmon & Ikura Pilaf (鮭はらこ炊き込みおにぎり); Miso-marinated Roast Pork (豚ロース味噌漬け); Anko & Chocolate Ball (あんこトリュフ)
Can't join us for the event? Donate to Safecast here. Donate to TOMODACHI SoftBank Youth Leadership Program here. In Step #4, write "Tomodachi Program."
Pianist Fuzjko Hemming back to Los Angeles to commemorate 5th anniversary of Japan disaster,
Fuzjko Hemming piano w/ cellist Marek SzpakiewiczSunday, March 13, 7:30 pm. Zipper Hall (inside the Colburn School), 200 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Tickets: $35, $25 ($15 for seniors and students) http://hemming.brownpapertickets.com (800) 838-3006. Hemming returns to L.A. for a special recital commemorating the 5th anniversary of earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
The Zipper Hall recital features works by Chopin, Liszt, Brahms and Rachmaninov, including Hemming’s signature piece “La Campanella.” A portion of the proceeds will go to 2011 Japan Relief Fund for the earthquake victims in northern Japan.
This recital also features acclaimed Polish cellist Marek Szpakiewicz, residing in Los Angeles. Celebrated cellist Yo-Yo Ma described him as an artist “whose energy, motivation, earnestness and generosity of spirit are evident through his work.” He's been supporting the Soma Children’s Orchestra in Fukushima since its inception through his charity concerts.
March 4 - 13, 2016, all Germany. For local events, look here.
For the major demos, look here. Last year there were at least
141 events. There are also many events before and after, up to the 30th anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear accident on April 26.
New Initiative!! 2016 marks the 5th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl meltdown. Now is the time for change! And we shall start with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
That's why we launch the petition: Stop advertising for nuclear power!
The irreconcilable duality of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which on the one hand acts as a "watchdog" to control military nuclear facilities and on the other hand as a “lapdog”, advertising for civilian use of nuclear power, must end.
The schizophrenia originating from the IAEA statutes makes the organization blind to the catastrophic effects of nuclear power. It is now time to revise the IAEA evaluation of the Chernobyl, that still claims only 52 direct deaths and a total of 4,000 fatalities worldwide resulted from this worst ever nuclear accident.
GLOBAL 2000 is therefore launching a petition to the Austrian government to take action on IAEA reform. Click here for the petition.
Protestival organized by Sayonara Nukes Berlin Friday, 11th March, 15:00 in BerlinFriday, March 11at 12 PM in MST
Colfax and Broadway, Denver, CO 80203
Five years ago on March 11, 2011 the world suffered it's first triple nuclear meltdown. Our government, scientists and fascist corporate media have done a good job lying and covering up this event to the world public. Locally I feel I'm the only person talking about this.
The salmon die offs in the northwest, dead whales and seals are being blamed on a "toxic algae bloom"; as well as "El Nino "...ahem, B******t!
On the 11th of March 2016, l'm organizing a peaceful demonstration to present, in public, the facts about the ongoing crisis that's killing the Pacific Ocean. I'll update this page w/ documentation from wonderful anti-nuclear activists.
3/11 Rally-Speak Out On 5th Anniversary Of FukushimaThursday March 11, 2016 3:00 PM
Japanese Consulate, 275 Battery Street, San Francisco
March 11, 2016 is the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe that is still reverberating in Japan and around the world. The nuclear plants are still releasing thousands of tons of radioactive water and over 1000 tanks filled with contaminated radioactive water surround the broken nuclear plants.
The children and families continue to have a rising level of thyroid cancers and this uptick is taking place in other places in Japan. Despite these dangers the Japanese Abe government has said that the problem has been solved. They are demanding the the families and children return to Fukushima or lose subsidies for housing. The government is also claiming that they have "decontaminated" Fukushima and told the Olympic Committee that the problem had been solved.
The government has also raised the limits of allowable radiation for citizens, to those of nuclear facility workers in Japan. The government has also passed secrecy laws that threaten journalists and investigators getting information out about the disaster. Pretending Fukushima never happened won't work. Hundreds of thousands of citizens have gone to the streets to demand an end to the restarting of Japan's remaining more than 40 nuclear plants.
The government is seeking the full militarization Japan by eliminating Article 9 of the constitution that limits wars and intervention, and wants to include nuclear weapons despite mass opposition among the majority of the population.
On March 11, 2016 people throughout the world including in San Francisco will speak out and call for an end to the restarting of Japan's nuclear plants, for the evacuation of children and families in Fukushima and for the government to take responsibility and subsidize housing outside the area!
We call for an end to the censorship laws, and also for the elimination of Article 9, which will lead to further militarization and war.
We call for the closure of all nuclear plants around the world including Diablo Canyon in California, which is also running on an earthquake fault like many nuclear plants in Japan.
Please Join Us and Speak Out
Initiated by No Nukes Action Committee
Endorsed by Tri Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment), Livermore, Codepink Golden Gate Chapter, Occupy SF Action Council, Fukushima Response, Veterans for Piece- Chater #69,SF, Veterans for Peace East Bay Chapter #162, Asian Americans for Peace and Justice, EON (Ecological Options Network), BARK ( Barkers Agitating for Reactor Closure), PG&E Ratepayer Revolt, Mt.Diablo Peace and Justice Center, Walnut Creek, Sloths Against Nuclear State(反核ナマケモノの会), New York, Solar Justice, San Louis Obispo Mothers for peace, United Public Workers For Action http://www.upwa.info, and more groups and many more individuals. http://nonukesaction.wordpress.com/
Santa Barbara
5th Fukushima Anniversary, Friday, March 11, 2016
Santa Barbara Peace March
End the Nuclear Age / Prevent Nuclear War in Syria
10-11am gather in De La Guerra Plaza outside City Hall
Walk to Courthouse Sunken Gardens for Circle Ceremony
Appeal from the Santa Barbara Science Center Project
http://Santa-Barbara-Science-Center.info/ To raise awareness of technologies replacing nuclear and fossil fuels, and to neutralize radioactive wastes summarized at http://padrak.com/vesperman
A project of the 2016 Rainbow Uprising Peace March, NE to DC,
Aug. 9 http://Global-Emergency-Alert-Response.net/2016RUPM.html
There's also a fire ceremony after, and a send-off for the peace march to Wash. DC
San Luis Obispo
5 YEARS LATER March 11, 2016
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace invites you to join us in a remembrance of the Fukushima disaster. Come to acknowledge the devastation and to gain an understanding of the current conditions.
Steynberg Gallery, 1531 Monterey Street, San Luis Obispo
Program: 7:00 – 9:00pm
Dinner available beforehand by reservation: 5:30 – 6:30
Curry, Panini (meat or vegetarian) $8.00 - $10.00 - order your meal by March 8 - RSVP to evyjust@gmail.com
The program will include:
★ Firsthand observations in words and pictures on the conditions around Fukushima by Brother Sawada and Yoko Kubota
★ Photo display narrating the enormity of the clean-up
★Music by award-winning singer/songwriter Dulcie Taylor
★A reading of a Marge Piercy poem “The Long Death”
San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace remembers Fukushima.
Reverend Sawada Gyosen is a Buddhist monk who drums and walks for a nuclear free world. He has walked from Santa Barbara to San Luis Obispo and Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant for many years and is doing so again this year. The following is his “path,” and we invite you to join him for all or part of it. Contact sherry.lewis66@att.net for more information.
Brother Sawada arrives in Santa Barbara on March 3and begins his walk the next morning at 9:00 from the Santa Barbara Courthouse.
March 4: 9:00am Santa Barbara Courthouse, State Street, Hwy 154 up the San Marco Pass to Lake Cachuma.
March 5: 9:00am Begins at Lake Cachuma, through Santa Ynez, west on Hwy 246 through Buellton to Drum Canyon.
March 6: 9:00am Begins at the intersection of Drum Canyon and Hwy 246 through Mission Hills and Vandenberg Village finishing at the main gate of Vandenberg AFB.
March 7: 9:00am Begins at Vandenberg AFB gate on Hwy 1, turns west on San Antonia Rd, through Casmalia to Hwy 1 a few miles north of Orcutt and then to Guadalupe.
March 8: 9:00am Guadalupe to Pismo Beach.
March 9: 9:00am Pismo Beach through Price Canyon to Hwy 227 to San Luis Obispo Courthouse.
March 10: 9:30am San Luis Obispo Courthouse to Diablo Canyon - Higuera to Ontario Rd, Bob Jones Trail to Avila to Diablo Canyon entrance.
March 11: 9:00am – 3:00pm Brother Sawada will vigil outside the SLO Courthouse.
7:00pm Brother Sawada will speak and drum at the remembrance event at Steynberg Gallery (see post above).
On 3/11, 4x Grammy Award winner George Kahumoku offered to benefit our nonprofit Whalesong Projectʻs ocean monitoring project, so we will take a moment of silence for all affected during that event. Any money raised will go to our lab for testing fish and seaweed….keeping an eye on the ocean. Iʻm continuing to encourage people to support Safecastʻs radiation mapping. We'll continue to promote open data, independent monitoring, citizen science, the importance of crowd-sourced radiation data in emergencies and routine situations. - Dan Sythe, Int'l. Medcom.
Stop in March 11, 7pm at the Sebastopol Community Cultural Center, 390 Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472 Tickets available.
Tuesday, March 8th, 6:30pm – Free! Aqus Cafe, 189 H St. at 2nd
John Bertucci of Fukushima Response joins Professor Mickey Huff, Director of Project Censored, in conversation with Sonoma State University student researchers.
What’s happening with Fukushima now and in greater Japan?
How bad and widespread is the radioactive contamination?
What are alternatives to nuclear and other fossil fuel based power?
What can be done to prevent future disasters?
Love to Nippon 2016 第5回3.11東日本大震災追悼集会
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Love to Nippon 2016 The 5th Annual 3.11 Memorial Event
Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Memorial
Los Angeles Police Department HQ
Keynote Speaker: The Honorable Norman Mineta
Former United States Secretary of Transportation
"Remembering 9.11 & 3.11"
Register to attend: www.lovetonippon.com
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Film of earthquake orphans of
Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995
Nibei Foundation 11570 w. Olympic Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Phone: 3104796101 Email: nibei@nibei.org
喜びよ』映画上映 阪神淡路大震災を経験
した杉田真一監督 初長編作品 ニベイ財団
Thursday, March 10, 2016, 9:46pm
Public Prayers March 10th at 9:46PM Pacific Time (US)
is when earthquake occurred March 11, 2011 in Japan
3月10日(木)3.11地震発生同時刻の祈りのつどい 9:46pm
The location for the gathering is on the beach, near lifeguard station 1550, located just north of the pier, close to Bubba Gumps. Parking lot 1550 is located right there (accessible from Seaside Lane off Ocean Avenue or the PCH); also parking on the Pier and meter parking along Ocean Ave.
Friday, March 11, 20165 Year Anniversary
of Japan’s 3.11 Earthquake & Tsunami
World Premier: Documentary Film “Kyo/Today/今日”
$10 Adult/Aratani Theater/Japanese American Cultural & Community Center (JACCC) 244 S San Pedro St,
Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone (213) 628-2725
Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone (213) 628-2725
3月11日(金)東日本大震災五周年追悼の夕べ、ドキュメンタリー映画作品『Kyo/Today/今日』世界初上映 アラタニ劇場 日米文化会館
Join Us For A Night Of Remembrance, Education, Culture, & Prayer On L.A.’s March 11th; the JACCC in the heart of Little Tokyo will be the axis of Japanese culture, film, music, thoughts, and prayers as 5 Year Anniversary of Japan’s 3.11 Earthquake & Tsunami is upon us. Friday @ 5:00pm activities begin outside on the JACCC Noguchi Plaza. Record a personal video message from L.A. to those in Japan to be seen at the documentary film screening there. Also, join us for other interactive activities including food, music, crafts, and community. Kyō/Today/今日 is a short documentary that will hold its world premier here at the JACCC. This documentary gives insight into the lives of six individuals who survived the 3.11.2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Following the film, join us for a short heartfelt musical expression and tribute to all those affected by the 3.11 tragedy. After the music, stay for a very special prayer for Japan at 9:46pm, followed by conversation and Q&A with “Love to Nippon Project” founder Mrs. Masako Unoura-Tanaka who is a 3.11 survivor herself.
Join Us For A Night Of Remembrance, Education, Culture, & Prayer On L.A.’s March 11th; the JACCC in the heart of Little Tokyo will be the axis of Japanese culture, film, music, thoughts, and prayers as 5 Year Anniversary of Japan’s 3.11 Earthquake & Tsunami is upon us. Friday @ 5:00pm activities begin outside on the JACCC Noguchi Plaza. Record a personal video message from L.A. to those in Japan to be seen at the documentary film screening there. Also, join us for other interactive activities including food, music, crafts, and community. Kyō/Today/今日 is a short documentary that will hold its world premier here at the JACCC. This documentary gives insight into the lives of six individuals who survived the 3.11.2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Following the film, join us for a short heartfelt musical expression and tribute to all those affected by the 3.11 tragedy. After the music, stay for a very special prayer for Japan at 9:46pm, followed by conversation and Q&A with “Love to Nippon Project” founder Mrs. Masako Unoura-Tanaka who is a 3.11 survivor herself.
Tohoku Springs Back! A Fundraiser Celebrating
5 Years of Positive Change in Tohoku, Japan
March 12, 7-10 pm
5 Years of Positive Change in Tohoku, Japan
March 12, 7-10 pm
Center for Japanese Studies, David Brower Center, Suite 100, 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
Speaker: Martin Fackler / Performers: DJ Marcy; AKIRA TANA (w/ Art Hirahara) and OTONOWA
Sponsors: Center for Japanese Studies (CJS), Umami Mart
Umami Mart and the Center for Japanese Studies present TOHOKU SPRINGS BACK, an evening of food, drinks, music and dancing to commemorate the hardships endured in Tohoku region the last five years, and the people who bring positive change to the area.
We are inviting our friend DJ Marcy from Fukushima (owner of a record shop in Fukushima City called Little Bird) and our friend Tori-chan, who owns a restaurant in Tokyo called Jicca (but herself is from Minami-Soma, in Fukushima). Tori will cook for the event along with Casa de Kei, and DJ Marcy will spin records.
Local jazz band AKIRA TANA and OTONOWA, featuring ART HIRAHARA, MASARU KOGA and KEN NORIYUKI OKADA with guest vocalist SAKI KONO will play a set and there will also be a special talk by Martin Fackler, former New York Times Bureau Chief of Japan -- who was on the ground on 3/11/2011. He will talk about his experiences during this time as a journalist.Event Menu - Local Fukushima Cuisine By Jicca
Miso Roll with Shiso (しそ巻き); Mushroom Kinpira (きのこのきんぴら); AIZU SOBA Salad (会津蕎麦サラダ); Shio Koji Pickles (三五八ピクルス); Salmon & Ikura Pilaf (鮭はらこ炊き込みおにぎり); Miso-marinated Roast Pork (豚ロース味噌漬け); Anko & Chocolate Ball (あんこトリュフ)
The two non-profit organizations we will be fundraising for will be:
1. Y-PLAN Japan (“Youth – Plan, Learn, Act, Now”), a UC Berkeley leadership and exchange program that has hosted 600 high schoolers from Tohoku since 2012. Through TOMODACHI SoftBank Youth Leadership Program, 100 youth pursue a three-week intensive program on building leadership and social enterprise skills. These funds go towards an event for TOMODACHI students here this summer, to honor and showcase their accomplishments and invite back the many people who've come to know them here through family homestays, field trips and community development work.
2. Safecast, a foundation selling geiger counters kits so people can share their radiation data online in a free, open-source website platform. Yoko and I built a geiger counter with Safecast last month in Shibuya, then went up to Koriyama to visit Safecast volunteers, who have a sensor at their residence. We respect the work of Safecast deeply and are raising funds for geiger counters to be installed in public spaces in Tohoku.
Tickets are $75 general admission, $50 UC Berkeley Students/Faculty. Buy tickets online.Can't join us for the event? Donate to Safecast here. Donate to TOMODACHI SoftBank Youth Leadership Program here. In Step #4, write "Tomodachi Program."
Event Contact: cjs-events@berkeley.edu, 510-642-3415
Fuzjko Hemming piano w/ cellist Marek SzpakiewiczSunday, March 13, 7:30 pm. Zipper Hall (inside the Colburn School), 200 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Tickets: $35, $25 ($15 for seniors and students) http://hemming.brownpapertickets.com (800) 838-3006. Hemming returns to L.A. for a special recital commemorating the 5th anniversary of earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
The Zipper Hall recital features works by Chopin, Liszt, Brahms and Rachmaninov, including Hemming’s signature piece “La Campanella.” A portion of the proceeds will go to 2011 Japan Relief Fund for the earthquake victims in northern Japan.
This recital also features acclaimed Polish cellist Marek Szpakiewicz, residing in Los Angeles. Celebrated cellist Yo-Yo Ma described him as an artist “whose energy, motivation, earnestness and generosity of spirit are evident through his work.” He's been supporting the Soma Children’s Orchestra in Fukushima since its inception through his charity concerts.
March 4 - 13, 2016, all Germany. For local events, look here.
For the major demos, look here. Last year there were at least
141 events. There are also many events before and after, up to the 30th anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear accident on April 26.
New Initiative!! 2016 marks the 5th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl meltdown. Now is the time for change! And we shall start with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
That's why we launch the petition: Stop advertising for nuclear power!
The irreconcilable duality of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which on the one hand acts as a "watchdog" to control military nuclear facilities and on the other hand as a “lapdog”, advertising for civilian use of nuclear power, must end.
The schizophrenia originating from the IAEA statutes makes the organization blind to the catastrophic effects of nuclear power. It is now time to revise the IAEA evaluation of the Chernobyl, that still claims only 52 direct deaths and a total of 4,000 fatalities worldwide resulted from this worst ever nuclear accident.
GLOBAL 2000 is therefore launching a petition to the Austrian government to take action on IAEA reform. Click here for the petition.
Fukushima the Aftermath Panel Discussion & Performance
Werkstatt der Kulturen, Wissmannstraße 32, 12049
Art and performance re: nuclear, environment and politics by international artists in Berlin.
19:30 Panel discussion “Wo stehen wir jetzt und wo soll es hingehen? “(only in German)
To see other linked events scroll down.
(Ed. -monumental cultural engagé; go to the Schedule)
11 March 2016 (Admission FREE; 15:00 to midnight) marks the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. International artists from Berlin stand up for alternative energies with a series of concerts, performances, installations, exhibitions and lectures this 3.11, as Akira Ando and Tsukasa Yajima present "Fukushima - The Aftermath 2016", a collaboration with the WERKSTATT DER KULTUREN. In addition to performances, the artists involved will discuss with the project with the audience.
WERKSTATT DER KULTUREN, Wissmannstraße 32, 12049 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 - 60 97 70 - 0 Fax: +49 (0)30 - 60 97 70 - 13 info@werkstatt-der-kulturen.de
Kazaguruma Demo - Nuclear Power Phase-out Worldwide!
Saturday, 19th March, 2016 13:00 Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
We will march through the city center of Berlin holding Kazaguruma (pinwheel in Japanese) to remember the lesson learned through the Fukushima disaster and call for a nuclear-free future. Learn more : www.protestival.de
International IPPNW Congress
5 years living with Fukushima
30 years living with Chernobyl
Effects on health and the environment
The nuclear chain, from uranium mining to nuclear waste The challenge: energy revolution
In 2016, we commemorate the nuclear catastrophes of Chernobyl and Fukushima and renew our call for an immediate end to the use of nuclear energy. IPPNW will inform the public through an international congress what it means for people to live with the consequences of Chernobyl for 30 years – and Fukushima for 5 years.
From February 26th-28th 2016, at the Urania in Berlin, renowned scientists from Japan, the former Soviet Union, Germany, the United States, and all over the world will join committed activists and volunteers who have been working with the affected population in contaminated regions for many years. Together, they will look at what lies ahead: learning from the catastrophic nuclear past means imagining a world free from nuclear threat – and
making this vision reality. We would be very glad if you joined us in Berlin.
Dr. Angelika Claussen, IPPNW Vice President, EU; Dr. Alex Rosen, Deputy Chair IPPNW DE; Dr. Dörte Siedentopf, IPPNW DE, Nuclear Energy Wrkg Grp; Dr. Barbara Hövener, IPPNW Berlin Regional Group
Information: Latest program and current info www.chernobylcongress.org, www.ippnw.de
Venue: Urania Berlin, An der Urania 17, 10787 Berlin MapPublic transportation: Underground station “Wittenbergplatz“ U1, U2, U3
Bus stop „An der Urania” 106, 187, M19, M29, M46, N1, N2, N26
Underground station “Nollendorfplatz“ U1, U2, U3, U4
Accommodation: Information on hotels at www.berlin-info.de
or through the Berlin Tourism Board: +49-30-250025
Languages: Presentations in German and English; simultaneous interpretation, all plenary sessions. Application has been submitted for Continuing Medical Education (CME) points.
Film “Als die Sonne von Himmel fiel 太陽の落ちた日”
Thursday, 07th April, 2016 19:00
AUSLAND, Lychener Str. 60, 10437 Berlin
Learn more : www.protestival.de
Film “Tell the prime minister -
Anti-Nuclear Movement in Japan
Friday, 18th March, 2016 19:00 Anti-Nuclear Movement in Japan
AUSLAND, Lychener Str. 60, 10437 Berlin
Learn more : www.protestival.de
Film “Kalina’s Apple - Forest of Chernobyl
Saturday, 23rd April, 2016 15:00
ARSENAL, Potsdamer Straße 2, 10785
Learn more : www.protestival.de
Photo Exhibition
Kenji Higuchi & Ryuichi Hirokawa -
"Nuclear, Democracy and Beyond"
Friday 15th April to Sunday 22nd May 2016
Willy-Brandt-Haus, Stresemannstr. 28, 10963 Berlin
Learn more : www.protestival.de
Fünf Jahre Fukushima in Berlin
Friday, March 11at 8 PM in UTC+01
Kino in der KulturBrauerei
Schönhauser Allee 36, 10435 Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany Map Ticketpreis: 8 Euro
Vier außergewöhnliche Filme über die Reaktorkatastrophe von Fukushima und ihre Folgen!
Anlässlich des 5. Jahrestages von Fukushima zeigt das Internationale Uranium Film Festival (IUFF) nun am 11. März zeitgleich in Berlin (KulturBrauerei) und Rio de Janeiro (Museum für Moderne Kunst) außergewöhnliche Filme über die Reaktorkatastrophe in Japan und ihre Folgen! Hier das Berliner Filmprogramm (geplant.)
ABITA. DIE KINDER VON FUKUSHIMA Deutschland, 2012, 4 min, ein Trickfilm von Shoko Hara und Paul Brenner. Eine Geschichte von 36.000 Kindern, die nicht mehr draußen spielen dürfen, weil ihre Umwelt radioaktiv verseucht ist. Bester Trickfilm des Uranium Film Festivals 2013. www.shokohara.de
ALONE IN THE ZONE Japan, 2013, 18 min, Dokumentarfilm. Regie: Ivan Kovac und Jeffrey Jousan, Produktion: Vice Japan. Japanisch mit deutschen Untertiteln. Zwei Jahre nach der Explosion des Reaktors des Fukushima Dajichi Atomkraftwerks. Eine 20 km Sperrzone wurde eingerichtet und die Menschen evakuiert. Doch ein Bauer blieb, weil er seine Tier auf der Farm nicht allein lassen konnte. Trotz hoher radioaktiver. Strahlung und Einsamkeit hält er in der Geisterstadt von Tomioka aus. Sein Name ist: Naoto Matsumura.
FUKUSHIMA NO DAIMYO Italien, 2014, 20 min, Poetischer Dokumentarfilm, Regie: Alessandro Tesei, Photographie: Pierpaolo Mittica. Japanisch mit englischen Untertiteln. Mit dem Filmpreis "L'Anello Debole" ausgezeichneter Film mit eindrucksvollen Aufnahmen über die Folgen der Fukushima Reaktorkatastrophe und über den Rinderfarmer Masami Yoshizawa, der sich weigerte, seine kontaminierten Rinder zu schlachten und die radioaktiv verseuchte Zone von Namie zu verlassen. Er lebt allein mit seinen Tieren auf seiner "Hoffnung" genannten Farm in der "Sperrzone". www.alessandrotesei.com
FUKUSHAME. THE LOST JAPAN Italien 2013, 64 min, Dokumentarfilm von Alessandro Tesei, Produktion: Teatro Primo Studio – Film Beyond, Original mit Englischen Untertiteln. Sieben Monate nach der ExplosionTrailer https://vimeo.com/73935463
International Uranium Film Festival www.uraniumfilmfestival.org info@uraniumfilmfestival.org, www.facebook.com/aboutnukes/ www.facebook.com/uraniumfilmfest www.facebook.com/uranioemmovimento https://twitter.com/URANIUMFESTIVAL
06.03.16: Demo zum Atomkraftwerk Neckarwestheim
Tschernobyl und Fukushima mahnen
– Atomkraft gefährdet uns alle!
Demo at nuclear station Neckarwestheim 2 - shut it down now!
Friday, March 11at 8 PM in UTC+01
Kino in der KulturBrauerei
Schönhauser Allee 36, 10435 Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany Map Ticketpreis: 8 Euro
Vier außergewöhnliche Filme über die Reaktorkatastrophe von Fukushima und ihre Folgen!
Anlässlich des 5. Jahrestages von Fukushima zeigt das Internationale Uranium Film Festival (IUFF) nun am 11. März zeitgleich in Berlin (KulturBrauerei) und Rio de Janeiro (Museum für Moderne Kunst) außergewöhnliche Filme über die Reaktorkatastrophe in Japan und ihre Folgen! Hier das Berliner Filmprogramm (geplant.)
ABITA. DIE KINDER VON FUKUSHIMA Deutschland, 2012, 4 min, ein Trickfilm von Shoko Hara und Paul Brenner. Eine Geschichte von 36.000 Kindern, die nicht mehr draußen spielen dürfen, weil ihre Umwelt radioaktiv verseucht ist. Bester Trickfilm des Uranium Film Festivals 2013. www.shokohara.de
ALONE IN THE ZONE Japan, 2013, 18 min, Dokumentarfilm. Regie: Ivan Kovac und Jeffrey Jousan, Produktion: Vice Japan. Japanisch mit deutschen Untertiteln. Zwei Jahre nach der Explosion des Reaktors des Fukushima Dajichi Atomkraftwerks. Eine 20 km Sperrzone wurde eingerichtet und die Menschen evakuiert. Doch ein Bauer blieb, weil er seine Tier auf der Farm nicht allein lassen konnte. Trotz hoher radioaktiver. Strahlung und Einsamkeit hält er in der Geisterstadt von Tomioka aus. Sein Name ist: Naoto Matsumura.
FUKUSHIMA NO DAIMYO Italien, 2014, 20 min, Poetischer Dokumentarfilm, Regie: Alessandro Tesei, Photographie: Pierpaolo Mittica. Japanisch mit englischen Untertiteln. Mit dem Filmpreis "L'Anello Debole" ausgezeichneter Film mit eindrucksvollen Aufnahmen über die Folgen der Fukushima Reaktorkatastrophe und über den Rinderfarmer Masami Yoshizawa, der sich weigerte, seine kontaminierten Rinder zu schlachten und die radioaktiv verseuchte Zone von Namie zu verlassen. Er lebt allein mit seinen Tieren auf seiner "Hoffnung" genannten Farm in der "Sperrzone". www.alessandrotesei.com
FUKUSHAME. THE LOST JAPAN Italien 2013, 64 min, Dokumentarfilm von Alessandro Tesei, Produktion: Teatro Primo Studio – Film Beyond, Original mit Englischen Untertiteln. Sieben Monate nach der ExplosionTrailer https://vimeo.com/73935463
International Uranium Film Festival www.uraniumfilmfestival.org info@uraniumfilmfestival.org, www.facebook.com/aboutnukes/ www.facebook.com/uraniumfilmfest www.facebook.com/uranioemmovimento https://twitter.com/URANIUMFESTIVAL
06.03.16: Demo zum Atomkraftwerk Neckarwestheim
Tschernobyl und Fukushima mahnen
– Atomkraft gefährdet uns alle!
Demo at nuclear station Neckarwestheim 2 - shut it down now!
More detail on Facebook Meet 12:30 here
MAR11 Aufführung Fukushima Dokumentation "A2-B-C"
Friday March 11 at 8:30 PM in UTC+01 (film screening)
Kindertagesstätte "Nimmersatt" des Smiling Faces e.V.,
links neben dem REWE-Markt am Mathildenplatz, Offenbach
Am 11. März 2011 wurde mit dem Tohoku-Erdbeben die bislang größte Nuklearkatastrophe der Menschheit in Gang gesetzt. Bis heute ist das Kernkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi nicht unter Kontrolle. Japans Regierung setzt noch immer auf Verschleierung und Vertuschung und will ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste eine vermeintliche „Normalität“ wiederherstellen.
Im Anschluss an unsere Mahnwache auf dem Aliceplatz (https://www.facebook.com/events/616019665227104) führen wir die international preisgekrönte und ergreifende Dokumentation "A2-B-C" auf. Der Journalist Ian Thomas Ash gewährt darin einen ungeschönten Blick auf die Katastrophe und deren Opfer.
Da für uns die Information im Vordergrund steht und wir niemanden davon ausschließen möchten, erheben wir keine Eintrittsgelder. Spenden nach eigenem Ermessen sind jedoch willkommen.
Trailer der Dokumentation: www.a2documentary.com
Hinweis: Japanisch mit englischen Untertiteln. Die Dokumentation ist allerdings auch ohne exzellente Englischkenntnisse gut zu verstehen.
MAR11 Aufführung Fukushima Dokumentation "A2-B-C"
Friday March 11 at 8:30 PM in UTC+01 (film screening)
Kindertagesstätte "Nimmersatt" des Smiling Faces e.V.,
links neben dem REWE-Markt am Mathildenplatz, Offenbach
Am 11. März 2011 wurde mit dem Tohoku-Erdbeben die bislang größte Nuklearkatastrophe der Menschheit in Gang gesetzt. Bis heute ist das Kernkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi nicht unter Kontrolle. Japans Regierung setzt noch immer auf Verschleierung und Vertuschung und will ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste eine vermeintliche „Normalität“ wiederherstellen.
Im Anschluss an unsere Mahnwache auf dem Aliceplatz (https://www.facebook.com/events/616019665227104) führen wir die international preisgekrönte und ergreifende Dokumentation "A2-B-C" auf. Der Journalist Ian Thomas Ash gewährt darin einen ungeschönten Blick auf die Katastrophe und deren Opfer.
Da für uns die Information im Vordergrund steht und wir niemanden davon ausschließen möchten, erheben wir keine Eintrittsgelder. Spenden nach eigenem Ermessen sind jedoch willkommen.
Trailer der Dokumentation: www.a2documentary.com
Hinweis: Japanisch mit englischen Untertiteln. Die Dokumentation ist allerdings auch ohne exzellente Englischkenntnisse gut zu verstehen.
5 Anos Fukushima Na Cinemateca Do Mam Rio
Filmes sobre o acidente nuclear de Fukushima na Cinemateca do Museu de Arte Moderna (MAM Rio),
dia 11 de março (sexta-feira), às 18:30 UTC-03
Av Infante Dom Henrique 85, Parque do Flamengo,
20021-140, Rio de Janeiro RJ Map
T +55 (21) 3883 5600 atendimento@mamrio.org.br
Tickets Available www.uraniumfilmfestival.org
ALONE IN THE ZONE (Sozinho na Zona de Exclusão), Japão, 2013, Documentário, 18 min. Direção: Ivan Kovac e Jeffrey Jousan. Produção: Vice Japan. Áudio em japonês, legendas em português. Trailer: http://www.vice.com/video/radioactive-man
ORDINARY LIVES / FUTU NO SEIKATSU (Cotidiano), Japão, 2012, Documentário, 80 min. Direção Taizo Yoshida. Produção Neighbors. Áudio em japonês, legendas em português.
Depois da exibição dos filmes sobre Fukushima, a diretora do festival Márcia Gomes de Oliveira estará presente para um bate papo com o púbico. Márcia esteve em março de 2015 no Japão, a convite da organização japonesa Peace Boat (www.peaceboat.org), para participar de eventos do 4º aniversário do acidente nuclear: “Japan and the World Connect for a Nuclear Free Future”, “The Global Conference for Voices from Fukushima” e “The UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR ) - Conferência da ONU sobre Redução de Riscos de Desastres.
O festival de cinema sobre a era nuclear do Rio de Janeiro vai lembrar os acidentes nucleares de Fukushima e Chernobyl que completam em 2016, cinco e 30 anos respectivamente. Por isso, o festival vai realizar em vários países exibições simultâneas de filmes, no dia 11 de março, em memória aos 5 anos do acidente nuclear de Fukushima. Além do Rio, outras cidades no mundo como Berlim já estão confirmadas. Também no dia 26 de abril, o festival lembrará na Cinemateca do MAM Rio, os 30 anos do acidente em Chernobyl. Contato: info@uraniumfilmfestival.org International Uranium Film Festival, Rua Monte Alegre, 356/301, Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro / RJ, CEP 20240-195
www.uraniumfilmfestival.org / www.facebook.com/uranioemmovimento / www.facebook.com/uraniumfilmfest
www.facebook.com/aboutnukes / https://twitter.com/URANIUMFESTIVAL
5th Memorial Anniversary, 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami
Here in Sydney, we hold our commemoration, across 11th &12th March; featuring a concert of traditional Japanese dance, music and performance, cultual talks, and a cosplay event. Special guests from Japan and here will show their appreciation for the heartfelt support given by the Australian people. The Consul-General of Japan opens, with a speech on March 11th at 4pm. At 14.46,Japan time,16:46 Sydney time on 11th March, we will link, via screen, to the official Fukushima commemoration in Japan, for a live – one minutes silence.
Julia Gillard, Former Prime Minister of Australia’s exclusive message to Tohoku will be broadcast. A special commendation shall be awarded to the Australian Rescue Team, who attended the disaster zone of Tohoku, by students from Tohoku Uni. Students from Fukushima University will make speech who spoke at the UN Disaster Prevention Council. Mr Takeshi Matsunaga, 4th generation traditional potter from Namie-city in Fukushima will make a speech.
Live performance by internationally acclaimed violinist Ms Ayako Ishikawa from Japan.
Live concert by the Celebrity singer and Pokemon voice over artist, Rica Matsumoto, shall be singing Pokemon song and entertaining with her message.
Performances of traditional Japanese art and music by Japanese performers.
(Japanese Drum, Samurai dance, Traditional dance, Koto, Shakuhachi, Imperial music, Calligraphy, Karate , Traditional music etc).
Japanese young people’s culture [Cosplay] contest.
Photo exhibition of the Tohoku disaster areas will be display.
The booth where children can play Japanese traditional toys.
Traditional craft items from the Tohoku disaster areas will be on display.
Fukushima commemoration Auckland NZ
Friday, March 11at 7 AM - 10 AM in UTC+13
Parnell Baths, Judges Bay Road, Auckland 1052
* * * *Here in Sydney, we hold our commemoration, across 11th &12th March; featuring a concert of traditional Japanese dance, music and performance, cultual talks, and a cosplay event. Special guests from Japan and here will show their appreciation for the heartfelt support given by the Australian people. The Consul-General of Japan opens, with a speech on March 11th at 4pm. At 14.46,Japan time,16:46 Sydney time on 11th March, we will link, via screen, to the official Fukushima commemoration in Japan, for a live – one minutes silence.
Julia Gillard, Former Prime Minister of Australia’s exclusive message to Tohoku will be broadcast. A special commendation shall be awarded to the Australian Rescue Team, who attended the disaster zone of Tohoku, by students from Tohoku Uni. Students from Fukushima University will make speech who spoke at the UN Disaster Prevention Council. Mr Takeshi Matsunaga, 4th generation traditional potter from Namie-city in Fukushima will make a speech.
Live performance by internationally acclaimed violinist Ms Ayako Ishikawa from Japan.
Live concert by the Celebrity singer and Pokemon voice over artist, Rica Matsumoto, shall be singing Pokemon song and entertaining with her message.
Performances of traditional Japanese art and music by Japanese performers.
(Japanese Drum, Samurai dance, Traditional dance, Koto, Shakuhachi, Imperial music, Calligraphy, Karate , Traditional music etc).
Japanese young people’s culture [Cosplay] contest.
Photo exhibition of the Tohoku disaster areas will be display.
The booth where children can play Japanese traditional toys.
Traditional craft items from the Tohoku disaster areas will be on display.
Fukushima commemoration Auckland NZ
Friday, March 11at 7 AM - 10 AM in UTC+13
Parnell Baths, Judges Bay Road, Auckland 1052
We'll hang my 8m x 1.2m "FUKUSHIMA is never going away" banner from the pedestrian walkway above Tamaki Drive, the busiest road in Auckland, our largest city in NZ, at peak traffic. Contact: Kevin Hester kevin@iconicproperties.co.nz
or call (64) 2-7440-6999
or call (64) 2-7440-6999
Learn the reality behind the news
These are reliable purveyors of factual information
and analysis drawn from journalistic, scientific, and
other diverse sources, most researching since 3.11;
no new posts from the last 3 since 2015 but still great
resources. Most of them have searchable databases.
Most of them rely on donations for their existence, so
please consider supporting this most important work.
Interview with Prof. Hiroaki Koide
Fukushima Diary
Le blog de fukushima-is-still-news
Fukushima Response Campaign
Evacuate Fukushima Now
Japan Safety
Fukushima Response Bay Area
This is by no means a complete list, I'm sure
there are others of this calibre, keep searching!
Actions and Global Events - on 5th Anniversary of seismic, tsunami, and reactor meldowns in Japan (Fukishima) .
ReplyDeleteViewers have so many excellent choices, and every action counts - Take ONE, at least !
Kaaihue4Mayor. Been trying to tell Hawaiians this but we now have a racist japanese governor who is covering up fukushima. So is our congressman too. How shameful. We have the smallest wiener Governor America's Ever had.